The Start Of The Desirable Journey

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Lauren wakes up the next morning and instead of dressed in her regular suit, she's dressed in black ripped skinny jeans and combat boots while on top she has a black shirt and leather jacket.

The green-eyed girl takes down the elevator to her private car garage, seeing her chauffeur waiting by her motorcycle.

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you, Mrs. Jauregui?" The chauffeur speaks.

Lauren takes her fingerless leather gloves from him, putting them on her hands before taking her helmet. "I'm sure Ricardo," The green-eyed girl says. She climbs on her bike, kicks the kickstand up, and smiles at him. "If I need you, I'll call you," Lauren says.

"I'll be waiting then," Ricardo says.

Lauren starts up her bike and once she's out of her private parking garage, she makes her way to the restaurant from last night.

Once she's at the restaurant, Lauren finds a parking spot before turning her bike off, leaving her helmet hanged on the handle before walking into the restaurant.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The waiter at the front speaks.

"Can I speak to your boss?" Lauren asks.

"Oh! Uh... Okay... Please follow me," The waiter says.

After the waiter called another one of his coworkers to take over his place, the waiter leads Lauren to the boss's office.

"Here you are, madam," The waiter.

"Thank you, sir," Lauren says.

The waiter leaves after knocking on the boss's door and seconds later, the door opens to reveal the boss of the place.

"How can I help you?" The boss asks.

"I'm Lauren Jauregui. I dined here last night and I need to talk to you," Lauren speaks.

At the sound of her name, the boss's eyes widen with shock and nervousness, wondering why Lauren wants to talk to him directly.

"Come in, Mrs. Jauregui," The boss steps aside, opening the door wider.

Lauren steps in and the boss closes the door behind him as he walks over to sit at his desk, the green-eyed girl sitting across from him.

"I hope it's not that you were upset with the staff that attended you last night, I heard the good news that everything went well and-"

"The staff was great, there are no complaints from me. But I have a question about one of your staff that attended to me last night," Lauren says.

"Who specifically?" The boss asks.

"The waitress. Don't punish her but she gave me her name per my order. Her name is Camila Cabello," Lauren says.

"I... No disrespect to you Mrs. Jauregui. But no matter how important the client is, the staff aren't supposed to-"

Lauren pulls out her checkbook and pen, setting them down on the desk. "If you cooperate with me, I'll give you a generous donation. Now, give me any information you have on Miss Cabello," Lauren says.

The boss hesitates before turning to his computer and going into the employee's file, scrolling down until he sees Camila Cabello.

He clicks on her file before turning the screen so it faces Lauren.

"That is all of her information. Her address on there is not for a home address though," The boss says.

"Then what kind of address is it?" Lauren asks.

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