In Preparation

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One month later...
The day before the Thanksgiving charity party...

Camila has to admit that she's missed Lauren but at least she wasn't alone.

Ricardo did end up transferring to the University of Toronto and now they have become best friends.

Vincent and Rosario have also been great company while Camila is at home.

Rosario has always felt like a mother figure and Vincent like a father figure.

This last month though Shawn has been around the house more often and shockingly, he told Camila about Lauren's Thanksgiving charity party, not that he needed to because she already knew about it but he doesn't know that.

Anyway, the only reason he told her is that apparently, Lauren told Shawn to bring his girlfriend... That will be a surprise waiting to happen.

Anyway, all this entire one month Camila has been juggling university, work, which thanks to Lauren's check she's finally back to having normal shifts because she paid off everything she needed to, and Shawn's teachings because apparently, some very important people in his high social circle will be there, including Lauren of course, and the boy wants the brunette to be prepare and know everything about them... Names, what kind of business they do, names of the business, the people's children, the people's spouses.

Camila knows she can text Lauren but she honestly doesn't wanna risk it, she doesn't want the green-eyed girl's wife to find out and Lauren is probably busy so she doesn't want to disturb that.

Anyway, enough recap.

The brunette has finally arrived home from university and when she enters, she sees Shawn standing at the doorway.

"Shawn! You scared me," Camila says.

"I'm not that bad looking," Shawn says.

Was that a joke? Did Camila hear right?

"Uh... So... What are you doing just standing there?" Camila asks.

"We're leaving for our flight," Shawn says.

"Right now? It's still early, no?" Camila says.

"We need to get there early. We'll be getting ready for the party all morning and midday tomorrow. We need to find you a dress and me a new suit," Shawn says.

"Oh, okay," Camila says.

"Come, our bags are already packed," Shawn says. He turns around. "Rosario! Bring our bags down," Shawn yells.

He turns back to Camila and ushers her out of the house, Shawn ordering Vincent to help Rosario after he opened the backseat door for them.

Shawn holds his hand out and helps Camila climb the car before he enters, closing the door behind him.

Camila pulls her phone out and sends a text to her boss that she will be gone for two days and that she will update him if it will be more.

Of course, the brunette having already told him ahead of time, replied with an 'okay, enjoy New York'.

"Who are you texting?" Shawn asks.

"My boss. I'm just telling him that I'll be gone for two days. Are we staying there for more than two days?" Camila asks.

"I don't know yet. I might stay there for some business, you can go back home after the party if you want," Shawn says.

"Well, if that happens I'm staying with you," Camila says.

"Really, why?" Shawn asks.

Because I'm most likely going to agree to Lauren's proposal... Camila thought. "Because I've never been to New York and when you come here you never bring me," Camila says instead.

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