The Starred

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Camila spent the next morning and evening sleeping, sadly when she woke up that afternoon she figured out that Lauren has been away since the morning.

It's around dinner time and the brunette descends the grand staircase after changing, showering, and brushing her teeth.

On the last step, the front door opens, and in comes Alfred, standing off to the side as Lauren enters right after.

"Lauren!" Camila smiles.

The green-eyed girl hands her leather briefcase to Alfred as she embraces the brunette.

"Hey," Lauren whispers.

"Hi," Camila says back.

Lauren pulls back just a bit and chuckles. "Did you just wake up?" She asks.

"What? No," Camila drags.

"Your lying," Lauren says.

"Okay, yes. Problem?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

"No. You deserved your rest. I kept you up so late last night," Lauren says.

"Yeah well... I only have about an hour and a half before I have to be at The Starred building," Camila says.

"Eat dinner with me first," Lauren says.

"Oh, please! I'm hella hungry," Camila says.

Lauren chuckles and they both walk over to the dining room as Alfred follows after closing the front door.

"Ah! Camila, glad to see you finally decided to wake up," Vincent says upon seeing them.

He finishes setting up the table for the two girls and walks into the kitchen.

Lauren chuckles and pulls the chair out for Camila, who takes a seat as the green-eyed girl pushes it in.

The green-eyed girl sits at the head of the table, Camila to her left as Alfred and Vincent come in and serve their dinner and pour the wine.

"I hope you enjoy it because I cooked it," Vincent says.

"Oh I love your cooking," Camila says.

"Thank you, Camila," Vincent smiles.

She digs in, eating like she hasn't eaten in ages as everyone stares at her.

Camila realizes and wipes her mouth clean with the napkin. "Sorry," She smiles sheepishly.

"I'm guessing Miss Camila is going to finish everything," Alfred chuckles.

"I'm hungry. Haven't eaten all day," Camila defends.

"Your eating like you haven't eaten in years," Lauren laughs, taking a sip from her wine.

"For Camila, if she hasn't eaten all day it is years," Vincent teases.

"Shush, all of you, and let me eat. Be ready to serve me seconds, Vincent," Camila says.

After the two girls have finished dinner, they go upstairs as Camila starts to dress into something presentable.

"I want to come with you but I know I can't," Lauren says.

"I wish you can come with me too. But that will just expose... Our thing," Camila says.

Lauren who was laying back against the headboard of the bed stands up and walks over to the brunette.

"One of the downsides," Lauren says.

Camila finishes putting on her high-heeled boots and stands up straight to come face to face with the green-eyed girl.

"Will you be watching?" Camila asks.

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