Having Fun Like A Lower Class

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The limousine finally comes to a stop as Alfred gets out and rounds the car.

He opens the door and the kids get out first before Camila and Lauren do with the help of Alfred.

"Maybe we shouldn't have brought the limousine," Camila says.

She looks around and the Jauregui's and Alfred do too, seeing that everyone is looking at them.

"It ain't that bad, some cute guys are looking my way," Chloe says.

"Yeah, I feel the opposite," Elijah says in a shaky voice.

"Kids, just keep walking," Lauren speaks.

"Hold on, we need to buy those bracelets. They are like VIP access," Camila says.

"Oh okay so... To where?" Lauren asks.

"Follow me, everyone," Camila walks in front of them.

Lauren and the children follow the brunette over to the entrance where there are some booths, 'Tickets' plastered on the top.

"Six of those amazing bracelets please," Camila says.

The man grabs six bracelets and puts them on the counter, pushing them towards the brunette "How will you be paying?" He asks.

"I got this," Lauren steps up. She reaches into her back pocket and takes out her credit card. "Credit," Lauren says.

The man places the machine in front of her and Lauren swipes it, punching in the numbers.

The man takes the machine back and bids them a 'have fun' as the six walk past and into the amusement park.

"Camila, help me put this on," Ray says.

The brunette holds her bracelet with her teeth as she helps Ray put his bracelet on.

Alfred puts Elijah's on and the boy puts the older man's on as Lauren helps Chloe.

Once done, Lauren walks over to Camila, holding her bracelet out.

"Help me," Lauren says.

Camila takes the bracelet and Lauren holds her wrist out as the brunette wraps it around and clips it on with the right tightness.

"That fit perfect?" Camila asks.

"Yeah," Lauren nods.

"Can you help me?" Camila says. She grabs her bracelet from between her teeth and holds it out to Lauren.

"There's no saliva on it?" Lauren scrunches her nose.

"Squeaky clean," Camila runs her thumb along the bracelet.

Lauren chuckles softly and takes it as she does what Camila did to her.

"And we're all set," Lauren smiles.

"Perfect. So kids, what looks fun to you?" Camila turns to the three.

"The big thing all the way in the back," Ray says.

Camila looks over at where he's pointing before looking back at him.

"The rollercoaster?" A smirk forms on Camila's lips.

"Oh yeah," Ray returns her smirk.

"That's a good start," Camila says.

After riding the rollercoaster about three times per Ray's request to ride two more times after the first, the six of them take the two rides that captured Elijah's and Chloe's attention.

Once the ride they are on finishes, the six of them make their way to the place that provides food.

"You all hungry?" Camila asks once they enter.

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