The Tower Bridge

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Camila stares out in awe at the beautiful passing buildings that are lit up as the car makes its way to Lauren's real estate.

"Oh my Jesus, London is so beautiful," Camila says.

Lauren chuckles as she keeps scrolling through her phone.

Camila turns to Lauren and smiles. "Can we go to the Tower Bridge? Please, please, please," She pleads.

"Yeah but first we have to drop off our luggage," Lauren looks at the brunette.

"We can do that later," Camila says.

"Have patience," Lauren puts her phone away.

Camila crosses her arms across her chest as she furrows her eyebrows angrily and huffs.

"Stop being a child," Lauren says.

"You asked me what I wanted to do first once we landed and I gave you an answer. I want to go to the Tower Bridge," Camila whines.

Lauren rolls her eyes but sighs, giving in and ordering Alfred to instead make his way to the Tower Bridge.

"Nice, Camila," Vincent, who is sitting in the passenger side, laughs.

"I know right," Camila smiles proudly.

"Don't praise her Mr. Vincent," Lauren says.

Alfred chuckles as he looks at Vincent and then at Lauren through the rearview mirror. "Mrs. Jauregui, how did you allow Camila to get her way?" Alfred says.


"Because she is so whipped and does whatever I say," Camila interrupts Lauren.

"I'm not it's just... You know what forget it," Lauren looks out the window.

Camila looks at the two men who engage in a conversation of their own, paying no more attention to the girls.

The brunette scoots close to Lauren."Your not mad, right?" She asks afraid.

"No," Lauren shakes her head. She grabs ahold of Camila's hand and laces her fingers through hers.

Finally, the car comes to a stop in front of the Tower Bridge as one of the guards comes up to Lauren's side.

The green-eyed girl rolls the window down and smiles at the guard.

"Good evening, William," Lauren says.

"Good evening, Mrs. Jauregui. Can you and your companions step out so I can search you?" William speaks.

"Is it necessary, William?" Lauren asks.

"Yes ma'am," William nods.

Everyone steps out and William searches them, and once he deems them clean, they enter the car again and Alfred drives past the gate once William opened it.

Alfred stops the car, turning it off as he and Vincent get out and open the backseat doors, helping Lauren and Camila out.

Lauren and Camila walk around the car and the green-eyed girl holds a hand out as the brunette takes it.

The green-eyed girl leads them over to the ledge as Camila leans against it and Lauren hugs the brunette from behind.

They look out at the dark water that is twinkling by the city lights.

"Does the Tower Bridge usually close at night?" Camila asks.

Lauren rests her chin on the brunette's shoulder. "No, but tonight it did because I wanted it all to ourselves," She says.

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