No Senses, High Desire

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Later that night, Camila had to wait for Shawn to fall asleep and currently, she's in the car with Vincent behind the steering wheel.

"Thank you for helping me sneak out Vincent," Camila says.

"Miss Camila, if Lauren makes you feel safe and cared for, I won't stand in the way. I'll help you instead even if it means that I'll get serious consequences too. It's worth it," Vincent says.

Camila leans forward and places a hand on his shoulder. "I love you, Vincent, you know that?" Camila says.

Vincent brings a hand up and rests it on top of Camila's. "I love you too, Miss Camila," He says.

"Well, if you do, stop calling me Miss Camila," The brunette says.

Vincent laughs and retracts his hand as Camila does too, sitting back in her seat.

Once they arrive at the hotel, Vincent parks by the curb and Camila gets out.

"Bye, Vincent," The brunette says.

"Bye, Camila. I'll be here by the first crack of dawn. Mr. Mendes has a day off tomorrow and he won't wake up early," Vincent says.

"Thank you, Vincent," Camila says. She smiles at him before closing the passenger door.

After riding the elevator up, Camila makes her way to the hotel room and knocks on the door once she gets there.

The door opens to reveal Lauren and a smile spreads across her lips.

"Come in," Lauren says.

Camila notices that the green-eyed girl's behavior is different as the brunette steps into the room.

Her brown eyes scan the room lit up only by candles as she also notices a duffle bag on the bed.

"What is-"

"Don't talk," Lauren says. The green-eyed girl walks over and places two hands on Camila's shoulders. "Don't talk. Don't move," Lauren says.

Camila's whole body shivers as one of the green-eyed girl's hands trails down.

"Are you wearing what I told you to wear?" Lauren asks.

"Yes, Mrs. Jauregui," Camila says.

Lauren brings her lips up to the brunette's ear, making the younger girl tense up.

"Lifts your arms," Lauren whispers.

Camila does as she's told and the green-eyed girl lifts the crop top over the brunette's head, dropping it to the floor.

"Turn for me," Lauren speaks softly.

Camila turns around so she's now facing the older girl as she sees how dark her green eyes are with lust.

"What do you want first?" Lauren asks.

"Something light," Camila says.

"Get down on your knees," Lauren orders.

Camila does so as Lauren walks over to the duffle bag and takes out a blindfold and headphones that are connected to an iPod.

"I'm taking your hearing and sight senses away," Lauren speaks. She walks back over to Camila and kneels in front of her. "Keep your hands to yourself," Lauren says.

"What if I can't?" Camila says.

"I'll torture you more," Lauren says.

The green-eyed girl fastens the blindfold over Camila's eyes and then puts on the headphones as she browses through the playlist, looking for the perfect song and once she finds it she presses play. (Play song)

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