Time To Impress

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"I don't know how I'm going to be able to stay here for a fucking month," Camila says.

"Well, that's for you to find out," Lauren says.

Camila sits back in Lauren's lap and a smile forms on her lips. "I think I know how," She says.

"How?" Lauren trails her hands up the brunette's sides.

"Mrs. Kordei gave me her card. They are short on models and she might give me the job. I don't know yet though, I'm calling her and may meet with her tomorrow," Camila says.

Lauren smiles and kisses the side of the brunette's neck. "You landed that in one night? Shows how fucking sexy you are," She says.

"I got you, I thought that was already made clear," Camila teases.

Lauren chuckles and trails her kisses up until she presses her lips against Camila's. "I guess your right," She says.

The brunette looks down at Lauren's shaft and the green-eyed girl just stares at the younger girl.

"Can I..." Camila trails off, reaching a hand up.

"Yeah," Lauren nods.

Camila grabs a hold of the green-eyed girl's shaft, seeing that it's not only long but it also has an average amount of girth.

"How big are you?" Camila asks.

"9 inches when hard," Lauren says.

"It's long and girthy," Camila says.

"It will for sure pleasure you," Lauren says.

The brunette wraps her palm around it and even though her hand wraps around it entirely, she knows that it will fit perfectly inside her.

"I want to be in you. But..." Lauren trails off.

"Maybe tomorrow? I can tell you how the meeting with Mrs. Kordei goes," Camila says.

"And if she hires you, I know she will, I can celebrate with you," Lauren cups the brunette's cheek.

"You'll be the first," Camila smiles.

"How did you land it? Just introduced yourself, they saw how beautiful you are, and boom?" Lauren says.

"Pretty much. Lucas and Elijah introduced me," Camila says.

"Mhmm, I've seen. You've been hanging around with them most of the night," Lauren says.

"Your son is cool and extremely good-looking. If I wasn't Shawn's girlfriend I'm pretty sure he and Lucas will be fighting over me," Camila says.

"And I can't tell them to back off because it will only raise suspicion," Lauren says.

"Don't worry. I don't think that's their intentions and doesn't Lucas have a girlfriend?" Camila asks.

"Yeah, and everyone suspects he proposed to her but Ally and Will or even him don't want to speak out about it. Not even to us," Lauren says.

"That's what Shawn told me," Camila says.

"Elijah is respectful, he won't destroy your relationship with Shawn," Lauren says.

"And I don't think he got that from you," Camila teases.

"Most certainly he didn't," Lauren mumbles.

She presses her lips against Camila's, making the brunette giggle.

Lauren pulls away and frowns slightly. "I don't want to leave here but we have to or people will start asking around for us," Lauren says.

"Don't want them to notice we're gone," Camila says.

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