Only The Beginning

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AND I AM sad to say that this is the last chapter of this first book. If you guys do know or don't yet there will be a sequel. When will it be posted? I don't know yet. I'm currently trying to update my other books for my readers who are reading those, then on top of that, I also have to balance work and school but don't worry I won't flop on y'all and I will make the sequel. For now, enjoy guys! I appreciate all the support.


One week later...

Lauren is sitting at her desk, in her office which is on the very top floor of Jauregui Finances.

The green-eyed girl is currently attending to stuff that she has set aside the last few days.

She's been spending time with the kids and her girlfriend... Girlfriend. Lauren has never had a girlfriend.

She was always loyal to her future marriage to Katherine and when the time came she and Katherine never dated. Lauren had to propose quickly and they were wedded even quicker.

Some part of Lauren doesn't fully blame Katherine for her betrayal, Lauren cheated too but also she blames their parents.

Lauren knows Katherine, she wouldn't have married the green-eyed girl loving another man, not on her own will.

The green-eyed girl knows that if it were in Katherine's hands, she would have told Lauren she didn't want to marry her but it wasn't in her hands, they were both forced.

"Mrs. Jauregui. Miss Camila is here," Lucy steps inside the office.

Lauren looks up and smiles when the brunette enters with a lunch bag in her hand.

"Drowning in work that you forgot it's lunchtime?" Camila walks over, setting the lunch bag on the desk.

Lauren holds a hand up to Lucy as a goodbye as she closes the office door.

The green-eyed girl stands up and grabs a hold of Camila's forearms, planting a kiss on her lips.

"I can always count on you to make me something to eat," Lauren says.

"Set aside the work for a few minutes and eat," Camila says.

"I've been setting too much work aside for the past couple of days. Only being here in the mornings," Lauren says.

"You've enjoyed skipping work," Camila wraps her arms around Lauren's neck.

Lauren pulls the brunette closer and sighs softly. "I really have. Especially night times," She says.

Camila giggles and smirks as she softly, slowly plants kisses on Lauren's lips.
"Mhmm, I wish I could stay," Camila whispers.

"Why can't you?" Lauren pouts playfully.

"I have to finish my transfer papers to NYU," Camila says.

"Guess it's officially goodbye to Canada," Lauren says.

Camila frowns as she looks down at their feet. "I adore Canada but I lived there with Shawn and..." She trails off. A smile forms on her lips as she looks back up at Lauren. "At least Ricardo is transferring with me and Vincent told me that Shawn's staff have all quit. Most are going separate ways but Rosario wants to work for you. Please tell me you'll hire her! She's like a mother figure to me," Camila says.

"How can I say no when you look at me like that?" Lauren cups the brunette's cheek.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Camila bounces up and down with happiness.

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