The Great Motherland

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When I point out play Bed by J. Holiday for a better experience


The next morning, Lauren woke up early so she can go and buy Camila a laptop like she said she would last night.

She decided that instead of driving she will just walk there, Alfred accompanying her.

"Mrs. Jauregui, can I tell you something? Not as an employee but as someone who cares dearly about you and your family," Alfred speaks.

"Sure, Alfred. I'll answer like a normal person not like your boss," Lauren says.

"Do you have feelings for Camila?" Alfred asks.

Lauren stuffs her hands into the pockets of her jacket and bites her lower lip. "I think I do, Alfred," She admits.

"Truly?" Alfred asks.

"Truly," Lauren nods.

"And do you think you still have some sort of feelings for Katherine?" Alfred asks.

"I care about her. A lot. But... Katherine never made me feel what Camila does. At the beginning of our marriage, there was some chemistry between me and Katherine but now it's just not there," Lauren says.

"I see the way y'all act with each other. You two are starting to feel something more than just lust and desire towards each other," Alfred says.

"I accepted to come to London with her for this reason. I wanted to be confirmed and since it's just me and her... It's perfect," Lauren says.

"But then what happens if it's true? You know you can't divorce Katherine because if you do you lose everything," Alfred says.

They arrive at the shop as Alfred opens the door, Lauren entering with him right after.

They walk over to the row that has the computers as they start searching for the perfect one.

"And that's the problem. It's not just me. Camila can't leave Shawn either," Lauren says.

"Why?" Alfred asks.

"His selfish reason. To protect his image. If they're going to break up he's going to be the one to do it but... I don't know why he just does it. He doesn't love her. He just wants to have sex with her. And I'm guessing he still thinks she's a virgin. I hope," Lauren says.

"Maybe he cares for her. Somewhere deep inside him at least," Alfred says.

"If he did he shouldn't be abusing her. The weird thing is... Camila hasn't told me if he's been abusive lately," Lauren says.

"Maybe he's basking in the spotlight that shone on his girlfriend and... Him, I guess, so he's not being an abusive asshole," Alfred says.

"I hate it that she's just recognized as Shawn's girlfriend and that he did that," Lauren says angrily.

"She will break through that and make herself known as just for her. Not from anyone else," Alfred says.

"I know she will," Lauren says.

They finally pick out a laptop and leave the shop after Lauren paid for it.

Once they get back to the estate, Alfred makes his way over to the kitchen and Lauren upstairs.

She softly opens the bedroom door and closes it softly behind her.

The green-eyed girl sets the laptop box down on the bed when she hears the shower water running in the restroom and soft music playing.

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