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Camila finishes setting up dinner as she rubs her stomach slowly, smiling brightly.

Currently, she's in the wooden house that is now considered hers and Lauren's and she's waiting for the green-eyed girl to arrive who called her to tell her she'll be a little late because she got a little busy in the office.

Tonight not only Lauren and her are going to renegotiate the contract but Camila also has, what hopes, excellent news because yesterday she found out that she is indeed pregnant.


"Did you bring it?" Camila asks as she opened the front door of the condo.

"Yes, yes," Elijah enters.

Camila closes the door behind him and turns to face the boy who does the same.

"Shawn isn't here, right?" Elijah asks.

"No, he's handling some business at the Mendes Architects NY building," Camila says.

"Tell me again why I had to get the pregnancy test?" Elijah says, pulling the box out of his suit pants pockets.

"Because you said you'll help," Camila says.

"I did say that, didn't I?" Elijah sighs.

Camila takes the box from him. "I'll be back," She says.

"I'll be here," Elijah sits down on one of the couches.

After doing what she had to do in the bathroom, Camila comes out with the pregnancy test in hand as she waits for the results to appear.

"Have the results appeared?" Elijah asks. 

"Not yet," Camila shakes her head, sitting down next to him.

"How long does it take?" Elijah asks.

"3 to 5 minutes," Camila says.

"So are you going to tell him?" Elijah asks.

"Not today," Camila shakes her head.

"Then when?" Elijah asks.

"Tomorrow," Camila says.

The two lean back against the couch and stare up at the ceiling as they wait until the results show up.

"Are you always wearing suits regularly?" Camila asks.

"Yeah. Mom says it's good to dress presentable," Elijah says.

"Lauren or Katherine?" Camila asks.

"Both. One, because she wants me to find a girlfriend and looking good every time will probably attract one and the other, in case any business partners interact with me and I have to look professional," Elijah says.

"Lauren is the first one right?" Camila asks.

"No. Although my abuelo Michael is forcing her to force me to get a girlfriend as soon as possible and have kids, mom doesn't do it," Elijah explains.

"Then Katherine?" Camila says.

"She's kinda tired of seeing her oldest son single," Elijah says.

"Have you ever dated?" Camila asks.

"Sorta. We were just on a talking stage. The farthest we've gone was kissing," Elijah says.

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