Thanksgiving Charity Party

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Early morning, Camila is woken up by Shawn because the outfits have arrived.

Yesterday, they got to New York in the afternoon and spent the day picking out outfits.

When all of that was done, they got to Shawn's condo late at night and because there is only one room, Camila had to sleep in the same bed with him.

"Surprisingly, he behaved. Seems New York gets him in good spirits," Camila speaks softly to herself.

Shawn comes out of the restroom after finishing his morning routine as he puts on a shirt.

"Freshen up, I'll be in the living room," Shawn says.

"Okay," Camila gets out of bed.

She waits until Shawn leaves the room before she walks into the restroom to begin her morning routine.

After finishing, the brunette walks out to the living to see Shawn talking with a woman.

"Hey," Camila speaks softly.

Shawn and the woman stop talking and turn to look at her.

"Good, this is Mrs. Hernandez's assistant," Shawn says, motioning to the redheaded girl beside him.

"Hello, my name is Debby Ryan," The woman says, holding a hand out.

"Camila Cabello," The brunette shakes her hand with a smile. She turns to Shawn. "You haven't explained to me why we're wearing Carmine to the party. It's all we shopped for yesterday," Camila says.

"So we can impress Ally and everyone else while we're at it," Shawn says.

"What if everyone thinks we're trying too hard?" Camila says.

"They won't. To be honest, Ally loves seeing me in her Carmine suits. And you're quite beautiful yourself so she is going to love seeing you in one of her dresses," Shawn says.

"You know these people more than I do," Camila shrugs.

"We have to start getting ready. The party is going to start at 6 pm. The hair and makeup crew will be here by 2 pm. We will leave when they are done getting you ready," Shawn looks at the brunette.

"Let's do this. Debby, bring on the dresses!" Camila says.

By the time it's 2 pm, Camila and Shawn have both picked out an outfit.

Shawn is wearing a maroon suit, a black button-up underneath with gold designs around the collar and all over the chest part, a gold tie, with an Albert chain hanging from the left front pocket of the suit jacket.

While Camila is wearing a tight long maroon dress with a gold design starting around the breast cups and going down ending where her belly button is.

"Oh, you two look beautiful together," Debby says.

"Thank you," Shawn smiles.

They hear a knock on the condo front door and Shawn walks over, opening it and stepping off to the side, letting the hair and makeup crew in.

"She is right over here," Shawn says, walking over to Camila.

The make-up and hair crew set up as Shawn leads her to the high chair.

Meanwhile, Debby takes the rack of clothes out and bids Shawn and Camila goodbye before closing the condo front door.

It takes 3 hours for the hair and makeup crew to finish and they leave once they packed up all of their things.

"How do I look, Shawn?" Camila asks, doing a twirl.

"Beautiful. Stunning. We should get going," Shawn says.

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