Jauregui-Kingston Folks

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So below I will be showing how Katherine's parents, Philippe Pierre Kingston and Vivian Kingston will look like

So below I will be showing how Katherine's parents, Philippe Pierre Kingston and Vivian Kingston will look like

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Elijah pulls Camila's chair out and the brunette sits down as the young man softly pushes her chair in.

The young man sits down to her left and Camila looks beside her to see that she's sitting in between Shawn and Elijah.

"Elijah, nice to see that you finally decided to join us," An old man with blue eyes and a goatee speaks.

"I was giving company to this fine lady here," Elijah says, motioning to the brunette beside him.

"You know your grandparents don't like tardiness, Elijah," Katherine speaks.

"I'm sorry, mother," Elijah looks down at the table.

"The great responsible Elijah getting scolded? Never thought I'll see the day," Chloe laughs.

"Chloe," Lauren speaks.

Camila looks over at the green-eyed girl, who leans back in her chair, a small smirk planted on her lips.

"Anyway, who is this lady exactly?" A blonde-haired woman speaks.

"My girlfriend Camila Cabello," Shawn speaks. He wraps an arm around the brunette's shoulders. "Camila, that is Mr. Philippe Pierre and Mrs. Vivian, Madame Katherine's parents," Shawn introduces.

"Pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Kingston," Camila respectfully nods.

"Miss Cabello, I want to introduce you to my parents myself," Lauren speaks towards the brunette.

The green-eyed girl motions towards the couple that is sitting next to her.

"This is my father Michael Jauregui and that's my mother Clara Jauregui," Lauren introduces.

"Señor Jauregui, Señora Clara, nice to meet you both," Camila says.

"Nice to meet you, hermosa," Clara smiles.

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