The Signing

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One week later...

This last week has just been Camila eating the list of foods Normani assigned her to eat and working out the assigned hours and the assigned amount of days.

As of college, she decided to take a break the entire time she will be here in New York because for one she has submitted a course change and it will be confirmed when she comes back and two because she still doesn't have a laptop.

As for Shawn, he hasn't been around much and comes home very late, and to be honest, Camila doesn't care much because the less time she sees him the better, and the less she will feel guilty because she's cheating on him.

Now with Lauren, she has not been very absent and their conversations are short but Camila loves waking up every morning to see a good morning text from Lauren and loves going to sleep after seeing a good night text from her.

And aside from the amount of time she spends on the modeling stuff, the rest of the time she's enjoying the things New York has to offer, Elijah and Lucas accompanying her most of the time and occasionally sometimes, Vincent joining them.

Camila does wish Ricardo and Rosario can be here with her so they can enjoy it with them but, what can she do?

Back to the current time though, Camila is getting ready to meet Lauren at her office in Jauregui Finances so they can discuss, negotiate then sign the contract.

The brunette is getting worried though because she has a feeling that Vincent is getting suspicious.

Vincent is around her the most and he knows how the brunette acts when she has a secret and it's only a matter of time before he finds out or Camila tells him.

Anyway, she's done getting ready and she leaves the condo after grabbing her keys as she takes the elevator down.

She exits the building to see Vincent already waiting for her by the familiar black car that is running.

"Hey, Vincent," Camila smiles at him.

"Miss Camila," Vincent says. He opens the backseat door and helps her in before closing the door behind her.

After getting in the car and putting his seatbelt on, he looks at the brunette through the rearview mirror.

"Where to Miss Camila?" Vincent asks.

"Jauregui Finances," Camila says.

Vincent eyes her but the brunette stares back at him just so she doesn't raise suspicion by looking away.

After being able to get on the main road, Vincent turns the radio all the way down as he glances at the brunette in the back seat who is on her phone through the rearview mirror.

"Why are you going to Jauregui Finances, Miss Camila?" Vincent asks.

Camila tries not to show nervousness but Vincent does see that her complexion got a little paler.

"Why are you asking?" Camila speaks.

Vincent shrugs as he looks at the rear end of the car in front of him.

"Making conversation. And, I'm sorta curious. Are you meeting Mrs. Jauregui?" Vincent says.

"Yeah, with Mrs. Kordei and Mrs. Hansen, they are discussing the modeling shows budget with her and I don't know why but they want me there," Camila says.

"Mmmm, okay," Vincent nods.

Camila lets out a sigh of relief inside but what she doesn't know is that Vincent noticed her lie.

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