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Lauren loudly slams the front door of her house shut as she paces back and forth before she starts to slam the side of her fist against the wall.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Lauren yells.

She throws the glass entryway table beside the front doors to the floor, shattering the table and the flower vase that was on top, spreading the glass, water, and flowers onto the floor.

Multiple fast footsteps come down the stairs as Lauren just ignores them continuing to pace back and forth and not even minding the glass crunching underneath her boots either.

"Lauren, what the fuck has gotten into you?" Katherine asks.

The green-eyed girl turns and stares at her wife, the tears that she has been holding in finally starting to spill out.

"Honey, are you okay?" Katherine asks, slowly walking closer to her wife.

"Do not fucking get close to me!" Lauren yells.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Chloe asks.

Lauren looks over at her daughter as new tears start to spill out. She lets out a sob and hurriedly walks away towards her home office. Inside, Lauren closes the door behind her as she leans back against it. "No... No... No," The green-eyed girl cries out. She moves to the liquor cabinet and grabs a full bottle of whiskey, popping it open and drinking straight out of it.

Lauren turns to the office doors when she hears one open.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren says firmly, balling up her free hand into a fist.

"What is wrong with you, Lauren?" Katherine asks.

When the blonde moves closer, the green-eyed girl moves further away.

"Don't... Don't fucking worry about it," Lauren speaks softly, her voice coming out hoarse.

"No, I am going to worry about it because you are my wife and I care about you," Katherine says.

Lauren slams the whiskey bottle down on the desktop, running her hand through her hair and gripping it tightly. She throws her desk chair back and sits down, covering her face with her hands.

"Katherine, I plead you to leave," Lauren says.

"Why?" Katherine asks.

"Because if I keep seeing you I'm capable of..." Lauren trails off, letting out an angry grunt. She slams her hands on the desktop and stands up. "Leave, Katherine. Leave me the fuck alone! I don't want to see you," Lauren speaks firmly.

"I'm sorry but I'm not leaving," Katherine says.

Lauren slams the side of her fist down on the desktop and grabs her whiskey bottle. "Then I'm the one that's leaving," She says. The green-eyed girl walks over and throws one of her office doors open.

Ignoring the calls of her wife and her kids, Lauren slams the front door of her house shut and walks into the garage that is its own building, small in width but long in length.

She punches in the code and it beeps as Lauren opens the side door which is a heavy metal door, the ones that you will find as school doors, so she doesn't mind closing it behind her since it closed by itself.

Lauren walks over to the cork bulletin board that has nails on it with car keys hanging from them.

She grabs the car key of her car, the one she drives when she needs to be alone, and walks over to it. "Hello, my lovely," Lauren says.

It's a 2017 Lexus ES and yeah, the green-eyed girl may have a lot of cars from 2017 but to be honest, that year is the year cars started looking at their finest, in her own opinion.

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