Forming A New Family

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The next morning, Lauren and the kids come down the stairs, heading towards the dining room and kitchen.

"I hope you all are finally calmed down so we can at least eat a peaceful breakfast together," Lauren speaks.

"I've been calmed," Ray says.

Elijah rolls his eyes and shoves Ray. "You are getting on my nerves," He says.

"You two stop this instant," Lauren speaks firmly.

"Boys," Chloe rolls her eyes.

They enter the dining room and kitchen, the door closing behind them as they stare in shock at the breakfast set up on the dining table before them.

"And the Jauregui's finally decide to come down for breakfast."

They all look over at the kitchen side to see Camila stack up waffles on a plate.

"You cooked all of this?" Lauren says.

Camila nods and walks over to the dining table, setting the plate with the waffles in the middle.

"You all have looks on your faces as if you've never had this kind of treatment before," Camila looks at all of them.

"Because we've never," Chloe speaks.

"Our loving mother has never cooked for us," Elijah speaks in a coolly tone.

"Well, now that we're together. And I hope that we begin to form a new family, everything will be very different," Camila says.

"Of course, we'll begin to form a new family. Can I call you mama?" Ray walks up to the brunette.

"Not yet," Camila shakes her head.

"Are you and mom going to get married?" Chloe asks.


"We can't. Not right now at least," Lauren interrupts Camila. She walks up to the brunette and takes both her hands in hers. "But once everything is resolved with Katherine, expect me to get down on one knee," Lauren says.

She smiles brightly at the brunette who returns it as Camila moves her hands up to cup the green-eyed girl's face.

"I can't wait for that day," Camila says.

She connects their lips in a soft kiss as her arms come around Lauren's neck.

"We're still here," Elijah speaks bitterly.

Lauren and Camila pull away from each other, clearing their throats.

"Way to ruin the mood, Eli," Chloe scoffs.

"I'm sorry, Elijah. I know that after what happened between us, the least you want to see is me and Lauren together," Camila says.

"Hold on. What happened between you two?" Chloe asks.

"Oh, I knew it! You two had something, didn't y'all?" Ray says.

"When will you two stop being fucking metiches," Elijah says. (Nosy)

"Elijah don't talk to your siblings like that," Lauren says.

"Please. Can we eat breakfast without fighting? I'm so excited for this new chapter we're going to start," Camila says.

The three of them look at each other and nod before looking back at Camila.

"We're sorry," The three of them say.

Camila smiles and opens her arms as all three enter her embrace.

"I know everything that happened has been hard for the three of you but I want to make all of that disappear. I'm your best friend and if you guys want I can be your stepmother. But when we're together, I want us to forget about all of the problems that have recently surfaced," Camila says.

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