Opportunity Of A Lifetime

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The next morning, Camila wakes up by herself in bed.

Last night Shawn did keep his promise and behaved himself.

Camila grabs her phone from the nightstand and checks the time to see that she still has four hours before she has to be in Mrs. Kordei's and Mrs. Hansen's office.

The brunette gets out of bed and walks over to the bedroom door, opening and walking out towards the kitchen so she can begin making herself some breakfast.

After breakfast, she watches TV for an hour before she starts doing her morning routine.

Finally, once she's done getting ready, the brunette leaves the condo and takes the elevator down.

She exits the building and finds Vincent waiting for her.

"Miss Camila," Vincent smiles, opening the backseat door.

"Hey, Vincent," Camila smiles.

She takes his hand and the man helps her climb inside the car before closing the door.

Camila puts her seatbelt on as Vincent enters the driver's side, turning the car on.

"We have one hour and a half Vincent," Camila says.

"I'll try to get there as fast as I can. New York traffic is a nightmare," Vincent says.

"If we arrive late I'm sure Mrs. Kordei and Mrs. Hansen will understand," Camila says, "Hopefully."

And traffic was a bitch because, by the time she got to the Couturelux building, she is five minutes late.

"Fucking hell," Camila says as she climbs out of the car with Vincent's help.

"Want me to go up with you, Miss Camila?" Vincent asks.

"No I'll be fine just wait here," Camila says.

"Will do," Vincent tips his hat. He rounds the car after closing the back seat door and enters the car.

Camila jogs over to the door, thanking the man who held it open for her and makes her way over to the elevator.

She enters and presses the very top floor button and taps her foot anxiously as the elevator doors close and it starts to move up.

Once on the top floor, she dashes out of the elevator when the doors open and stops at the receptionist's desk outside the big office.

"Hi, I'm here for a meeting with Mrs. Kordei and Mrs. Hansen," Camila says.

"Name?" The male receptionist asks.

"Camila Cabello," The brunette says.

He types on the computer and hums. "You arrived late. I'll have to call Mrs. Kordei to see if I can let you in," The man says.

Camila sighs and leans her hands against the counter, looking down at the floor as the man speaks on the phone.

"Mrs. Kordei said I can let you right in," The man speaks towards Camila.

"Okay, thank you," Camila says.

She opens one of the doors and steps inside as she looks around, amazed at the design of the office.

It's completely different from Lauren's office which is luxurious and vintage and completely different from the rest of the building, but this office fits the whole model agency design the rest of the building has.

"Mrs. Kordei?" Camila calls out, closing the door behind her.

"Over here, Miss Cabello!"

Camila turns over to a doorway, going into a separate room and she walks over to see Normani and Dinah shuffling through a rack of clothing.

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