The UK Awaits

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After leaving the cafe, Camila returns to the condo to find Shawn sitting on the couch, just in sweatpants, drinking coffee and scrolling through his phone.

"Morning, Camila," Shawn says.

"Morning, Shawn. Sorry I wasn't here. But I have good news," Camila says.

Shawn sets his phone down and focuses all of his attention on the brunette, surprising her but she appreciates it.

"What did Normani and Dinah say?" Shawn asks.

"They offered me a contract. So... You're looking at Couturelux's newest model," Camila says.

"That's great. I'm glad for you," Shawn smiles.

"Also, you remember the text I sent you that I was having breakfast with a friend?" Camila says.

"Yeah," Shawn nods.

"Well, it was Rebeccas Gomez. The host from last night and I'm going to be a guest star in her talk show so... I'm going to London," Camila says.

Shawn stands up and walks over to the brunette, pulling her into a hug.

Camila wraps her arms around his naked torso and returns his hug.

"I'm so proud of you," Shawn says.

Camila pulls away slightly and rests her hands on his shoulders. "Thank you, Shawn," She says.

"For what?" Shawn furrows his eyebrows.

"If you didn't bring me here, none of this would've happened," Camila says.

"Camila... I only did that. The rest was all you," Shawn says.

The brunette smiles and runs her hands down his muscular arms. "I should start packing. Are you coming with me?" Camila asks.

"No. This should be your time and I don't want to steal the spotlight by being there," Shawn says.

"Okay," Camila says.

Shawn presses a soft kiss to her forehead and Camila walks to the bedroom.

She takes her phone out and calls Lauren's number as she grabs her luggage and starts stuffing it with clothes.

"You know it's dangerous to call me," Lauren's voice finally rings through the device.

"I couldn't text you this," Camila says.

"Text me what?" Lauren asks.

"Do you want to come with me to London?" Camila asks.

"Excuse me. Did I hear that if I want to come to London with you?" Lauren says.

"Yeah. Becky told me that I would be on her talk show on Monday and Shawn isn't coming with me," Camila says.

"I would love to come to London with you. Are you leaving right now?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah," Camila says.

"In Shawn's private jet or..." Lauren trails off.

"I'm guessing. But I can get Vincent to cover me so he keeps thinking that and I'm thinking Shawn is going to send Vincent with me," Camila says.

"Okay. Just give me a few minutes and I'll send you to my private plane. I'll meet you there, beautiful," Lauren says.

"Okay," Camila says.

She hangs up the phone, a bright smile on her face, and finishes packing her luggage.

Once she's done, she walks out to see Vincent waiting for her with Shawn.

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