Mask Comes Off

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Camila squeals as Lauren does a turn into a parking spot in the parking garage before turning the motorcycle off.

The brunette waits as Lauren gets off and takes her hand as she gets off.

Lauren reaches up and takes Camila's helmet off, setting it down on the seat of the motorcycle.

"Did you enjoy the ride?" Lauren smiles.

"That is the most fun I have had in a while," Camila says.

"Good," Lauren says.

She sets her helmet down and starts walking over to the elevator as Camila follows.

"Is this your garage?" Camila asked, looking around at the expensive vehicles.

"Yeah," Lauren says.

"Figured, the guard asked you for a clearance code and the cars give it away to," Camila says.

"Do you see any that you like?" Lauren stops walking.

Camila stops walking as well and looks around at every car. "No," Camila says.

"How come?" Lauren asks.

"These cars are too expensive for my taste which is a simple one," Camila says.

"And that is a thing that I'm coming to like about you Miss Cabello," Lauren says.

Camila blushes as she looks at the floor, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Lauren smiles as she steps closer. "Come, Camila," She says.

The brunette jumps when she feels Lauren's hand on her arm as the batch of skin burns up underneath it.

Lauren feels it and she subtly softly squeezes Camila's arm and when they reach the elevator, the green-eyed girl brings her other hand up and presses the button.

"So is this your place or what?" Camila asks.

"I own the building. I live on the top floor. The penthouse," Lauren says.

They step into the elevator and Lauren presses the button with the 'P' on it.

"Why did you bring me here?" Camila asks.

Lauren bites down on her lower lip as the elevator doors close shut.

"I'll answer that when we get up to my penthouse," Lauren says.

Camila bites down on her lower lip as the elevator starts moving, climbing a few floors before it dings and the doors open again.

The brunette steps inside and her jaw drops at the luxurious, yet vintage look of the place.

"Wow..." Camila gapes.

Lauren chuckles as she walks past the brunette and takes her jacket off, hanging it on the back of the couch.

Camila watches Lauren as she walks over to the coffee table and picks up a bottle of whiskey, popping it open and filling a glass.

"Want a drink?" Lauren turns to the brunette.

"No, I'm fine," Camila says.

"Are you sure? Whiskey, juice, water?" Lauren says.

"I'm sure, I'm fine," Camila says.

"Why are you standing there?" Lauren asks.

The brunette realizes that she's still standing by the elevator.

"Sorry," Camila says.

"It's fine," Lauren smiles.

She walks over, the heels of her boots making noise against the wooden boards.

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