Gettng The Rope Of Things

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"Vincent," Camila speaks softly.

"Are you?" Vincent locks eyes with her through the rearview mirror.

"Please don't tell Shawn about this," Camila pleads.

"I won't but answer one question for me. How long has this been going on?" Vincent asks.

"Since she was in Toronto," Camila says.

"I just hope that she treats you better than Mr. Mendes does. So, are you her mistress? Her lover, shall I say," Vincent says.

"Yeah. But we have a contract. No real feelings are to get involved. It's just pleasure," Camila says.

"Do you feel that way?" Vincent asks.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that I care about her and that she cares about me too," Camila says.

"Good. That's good. The last thing you need is another person like Mr. Mendes," Vincent says.

"Speaking of, why aren't we moving? Doesn't Shawn want to have lunch with me?" Camila questions.

"That was a lie. Like you did to me earlier. Mrs. Kordei and Mrs. Hansen are with Mr. Mendes still," Vincent says.

He accelerates the car as they leave the parking lot of Jauregui Finances and starts driving back to the condo.

"Dang! I knew you caught my lie," Camila says.

Vincent chuckles and says, "It could've been a believable story."

"Will Shawn be here tonight? Lauren wants me to meet her," Camila says.

"He won't. He said he will be flying back to Toronto but you can stay here," Vincent says.

"Why is he flying back?" Camila asks.

"He's finding a perfect place to start building the Seven Drops club for Mr. Bazzi. He'll be back for your fashion show," Vincent says.

"Are you going with him?" Camila asks.

"Yes," Vincent nods.

"Aw, man..." Camila says, bummed.

"You'll be fine, Miss Camila," Vincent says.

"So you guys are flying out tonight, right?" Camila asks.

"Yes," Vincent says.

Camila nods and leans back against the seat as she looks out the window.

Later that night, Vincent and Shawn did fly back out to Toronto, and she's currently waiting in the living room of the condo.

After texting Lauren that she will be alone, the green-eyed girl changed plans and now they are meeting in the condo.

There's a knock on the front door as Camila walks over and opens it, revealing Lauren on the other side.

"Hey," Lauren says, a smile on her face.

"Hi," Camila says, returning her smile.

Lauren passes by the brunette and enters the condo as Camila closes the door and spins around swiftly.

She wraps her arms around Lauren's neck and connects their lips in a desperate kiss.

Lauren wraps Camila up in her arms as she presses their bodies together, her hands squeezing the brunette's ass.

Camila moans and pulls their lips away with a wet pop. "Fuck, I've been waiting for this," She whispers.

Lauren chuckles as she connects their foreheads. "I have to," She speaks lowly.

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