Childhood Dream Come True

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Camila wakes up very early in the morning due to her phone ringing as she gets up.

The brunette walks over to her scattered clothes and fishes her phone out of her pants. 

She expects it to be Vincent or worse... Shawn but she sees that it's an unknown number.

"Hello?" Camila brings it up to her ear after answering.

"Camila, darling!" Normani's voice rings from the other side.

"Mrs. Kordei! It's a bit early to be chipper, ain't it?" Camila moves and sits at the edge of the mattress.

"Yes well, today is going to be a great day. Can you come into my office today?" Normani asks.

"Yeah, sure what time?" Camila asks.

"At nine AM," Normani says.

"Sure, I'll be there," Camila says.

"And bring Lauren. I'm guessing you two had an eventful night last night," Normani says.

"How did-"

"Oh, honey. You two were getting a little heated already backstage yesterday," Normani says.

"Darn," Camila giggles.

"See you in a bit, darling," Normani says.

"Bye Mrs. Kordei," Camila says.

The brunette hangs up the phone and puts it on the nightstand before settling back into bed.

Once she does, Lauren turns to face her and envelopes the younger girl in her arms.

"Normani is not stupid," Lauren mumbles.

"Is anyone in the social circle?" Camila teases.

"They have their times," Lauren says. She turns the brunette's face towards hers. "If we still have this thing secret from mainly everyone then..." Lauren says.

"Yeah well, we're the dumb ones 'cause Mrs. Kordei found out," Camila says.

"And most likely everyone else in the social circle will too," Lauren sighs.

"You think?" Camila asks.

"They're probably gonna know it's you besides Shawn. The social circle loves when there is drama and all that but they can keep their mouth shut. None of them will tell," Lauren says.

"Normani was telling me that last night," Camila says.

Lauren pecks the brunette's lips softly before fully kissing them. "It's very early," She mumbles.

Camila smiles and returns the green-eyed girl's kisses. "What do you have in mind?" She asks.

"Do you need to ask?" Lauren whispers.

"Okay but let me send a text to Vincent that I'm meeting Mrs. Kordei," Camila says.

"Alfred will take you," Lauren says.

"She actually wants you to come with," Camila says.

"Then Alfred will take us," Lauren corrects.

"That's fine. I'm just going to tell him so he gets out of the condo and I'll send a text to Shawn in case he wakes up around that time so he won't get mad that I'm not there," Camila says.

"Okay," Lauren nods.

After Camila has sent all the texts and puts her phone down on the nightstand, she turns around to see Lauren has turned away from her and her eyes are closed.

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