First Date To Remember

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One week later...

The day that Camila has long been waiting for is finally here. It's Friday morning and later in the evening, she will be meeting with Lauren for their very first date.

The green-eyed girl has been checking up on the brunette over text whenever she could and if the time was long enough, they engaged in casual conversation so they can get to know each other a little.

But currently, Lauren is in her home office, sitting in her chair and just staring at the desktop of her laptop.

There's a knock on her office door then to it being opened as she looks up to see her wife enter, shutting the door behind her.

"Good morning Katherine," Lauren says.

"You woke up and immediately went in here," Katherine says.

She walks around the desk and Lauren pulls her chair back a little so her wife can settle herself on her lap.

"Just waiting for breakfast to be ready," Lauren says.

Katherine lays her head on top of Lauren's as the green-eyed girl wraps her arms around her wife.

"The kids told me about your trip to that... What did they call it... Amu-amusement park?" Katherine speaks.

"They did?" Lauren pulls them back against the seat.

"Why did you take them to such a place?" Katherine asks.

"They didn't want to go to places where we would usually go," Lauren says.

"How did you find that place?" Katherine asks.

Lauren looks down as she keeps herself calm. "I asked Lucy and Vero for some fun places that I can take the kids to and yeah," She says.

"Glad to hear you guys had fun. Let's just hope nobody got pictures of you guys," Katherine says.

"I think the limousine did attract attention. But don't worry, I'll tell Ariana to handle the media if any photos appear," Lauren says.

Katherine looks down and Lauren looks up into her wife's light green eyes.

"This is new," Lauren whispers.

Katherine adjusted herself, clearing her throat. "You're..." She mumbles.

Lauren leans down and plants soft kisses on her wife's beautiful, soft neck.

Katherine lets out a shaky breath as she grips some of her wife's dark locks.

"Lauren... I..." Katherine whispers.

"You what?" Lauren mumbles against her collarbone.

"Keep going... Please..." Katherine says.

Lauren runs one of her hands up her wife's spine and grips the back of her neck.

"Now you want me," Lauren whispers.

"I just need some caressing," Katherine says.

Lauren pulls back so she can look up into her wife's eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks, brows furrowing in worry.

"Just been feeling a little lonely," Katherine speaks softly.

Lauren runs her hands down her wife's side and bites her lower lip. "What's wrong?" She asks.

Katherine cuddles against Lauren as she sighs. "Do you want to know a secret, Lauren?" She says.

"What is it?" Lauren asks.

"We've known each other our whole lives and I know we were wedded so we can keep our fortunes but... At one point I actually had feelings for you," Katherine says.

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