Doing One Thing Right

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When I point out play Please Forgive Me by Bryan Adams for a better experience


Camila is in the lobby of the condo building, getting the mail out of the mailbox.

Ever since last night, she hasn't been able to get Lauren out of her mind.

Yes, the green-eyed girl treated her horribly when finding out about the news of her pregnancy but she loves her and she's the mother of her unborn baby, she wants to be near her.


At the sound of her name being yelled out, she turns towards the owner of the voice to see Shawn striding up to her.

"Shawn, what's-"

"Shut up, Camila. Come with me, now," Shawn speaks low but firmly.

He grips Camila's arm tightly and subtly starts dragging her towards an elevator.

"Shawn, you're hurting me," Camila speaks softly.

"Keep walking," Shawn says.

They enter the elevator and once the doors close Shawn presses the emergency button to stop the elevator completely, no one gets in or out, and nobody can call it.

"Shawn, that button alerts the-"

"I don't fucking care!" Shawn raises his voice to cut the brunette off. 

Camila swallows hard and creates as much distance as she can between them.

"I know everything, Camila. From your affair with Lauren to the fucking child of hers that your expecting," Shawn says.

Camila's face turns pale, just staring wide-eyed at the Canadian boy.

"What you're just going to stand there?" Shawn says.

"I was half expecting a slap up to this point," Camila says.

"I'm not doing that. Not yet at least. I have plans for you and that baby," Shawn says.

"What kind of-"

"You are going to say to the whole world that, that child is mine," Shawn says.

This makes Camila's blood boil as she pushes Shawn back, making him crash hard against the elevator wall.

"Listen to me close. There is no way in fuck I'm ever going to lie to the world that this child is yours. I'm not doing what Katherine did to Lauren. You already have children. It's either all three, two, or one, I have no fucking clue but one of Katherine's kids is yours," Camila says.

"Wow well, two of them are mine and they are the two oldest," Shawn says.

"Holy shit. So Lauren's only inheritor is Ray and... He still has three years before becoming eighteen," Camila says.

"Yeah and to be honest, I'm glad that one isn't my child. He's a disappointment. That's why he's neither getting Jauregui Finances or Barlesy," Shawn says.

"You just don't fucking know how empty he feels so shut the fuck up, Shawn," Camila raises her voice.

Shawn slaps her across the cheek and quickly grabs her by the chin, bringing her face close to his.

"If this goes south and Lauren decides not to tell the world that her two oldest children aren't hers, then this child is mine," Shawn says.

"This child isn't yours, it's Lauren's and that's how the world and this child are going to know it. Be prepared for me to leave you and if you make this a war for the public to see, expect for me to fight back," Camila says.

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