Something More Than Just Desire

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When I point out play Big Bad Wolf by Fifth Harmony for a better experience


Later that night, Camila finishes the last of her makeup before putting everything back into her makeup bag and zipping it close.

She leaves the restroom, turning the light off on her way out as she neatly places her makeup bag back in its place in her luggage.

There's a knock on the door then to it being opened as Lauren pokes her head in.

"My... You are a beauty," Lauren gapes. She leaves the door wide open and steps into the room.

"You're not looking too shabby yourself," Camila says.

Lauren closes the distance between them and runs her hands down the girl's sides.

"You bought this dress, right?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah," Camila nods.

Lauren steps a respective distance away and holds her arm out. "Vincent is ready to take us to The Shard," She says.

"Wait... The Shard?!" Camila jumps up and down in excitement.

"Yeah. We get the greatest view of London and we get to dine in a fine restaurant," Lauren says.

"Which one?" Camila asks.

"Aqua Shard," Lauren answers.

"Okay! Let's go. Now, now, now," Camila ushers.

She pulls Lauren all the way through the estate and out the front door after opening it as the green-eyed girl barely gets time to close it behind her.

"Well, glad Alfred decided to stay home," Lauren says.

"Shhh! Let's get in the car," Camila says.

Lauren stares at Vincent who just smiles at her as he opens the backseat door and the two girls climb in, the door closing behind the green-eyed girl.

They settled close to each other in the back seat as Vincent sits behind the wheel and turns the car on.

Right as the car is pulling out of the driveway, Lauren's phone rings and she takes it out to see Katherine's name flash across the screen.

"It's my wife. You guys stay quiet," Lauren says.

She looks at Camila beside her and then at Vincent who both nod at her.

Lauren answers the phone and brings it up to her ear. "Hi Katherine," She speaks.

"Hey, honey. So... I wanted to let you know that my parents have invited your family, Shawn and his family to their country club Wednesday," Katherine speaks.

"Really? What for?" Lauren asks.

She feels a poke on her side and she looks to see Camila gesturing for her to put it on speaker.

Lauren shakes her head and swats Camila's hand that's poking her side away. 

"Just to get the three top powerful, influential, richest families together. But what I don't get is that they also invited that Camila girl too," Katherine says.

"They did?" Lauren asks, glancing at Camila.

The brunette furrows her eyebrow in question, making Lauren hold up a finger to signal to her that she will tell her after the call is finished.

"Yeah. Keep it between me and you, when I talked to Shawn about the invite and I mentioned his family and Camila getting invited also, he sorta freaked out. Of course not literally but I could tell from how panicky his voice became," Katherine says.

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