The Social Circle

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"Well, it is finally nice to meet you, dearie," Katherine speaks.

She moves to Camila's right so the brunette moves the opposite way as they air kiss each other's cheeks three times, ending where they began before separating.

Lauren steps up and holds her free hand out. "Nice to meet you, Miss Cabello," She speaks.

Camila smiles softly and slides her hand into Lauren's, shaking it, as the green-eyed girl squeezes it softly before they pull away and step back to be beside their respected spouses.

"Well, aren't you a bit young?" Katherine speaks.

"Katherine, don't go around asking those questions," Lauren speaks firmly.

"I'm just saying," Katherine says.

"It's fine, Mrs. Jauregui. I am young. I'm 25," Camila says.

"And do you like older men or is Shawn paying you?" Katherine asks.

"Katherine," Lauren scolds.

Camila laughs and turns, resting a hand on Shawn's chest. "He can teach me many things," She says.

"Oh! Bed, career, or life? Or all three?" Katherine asks.

"Katherine, last time," Lauren says.

"It's fine, Lauren. I'm guessing Madame Katherine has had quite a few cocktails," Shawn speaks.

"Quite a few," Lauren says.

She downs the whiskey and whistles a waiter over who has a tray and she sets the empty glass down on the tray as the waiter leaves.

"May I say, Miss Cabello, that you are a beauty in that dress," Lauren speaks.

"Why thank you, courtesy of Mrs-"

"Ally. Seems Shawn wants to impress Ally with Carmine and the rest of us with beauty," Lauren says.

"Is it working?" Shawn asks.

"You know that I surround myself with beauty and well I suppose the others do too," Lauren says.

Katherine looks at her wife then at Camila, then back. She grabs Lauren's hand and wraps it around her waist.

Lauren pulls her wife closer. "And there's nothing as beautiful as my wife," She says.

"Oh, we get it, you guys are so in love, have a happy, healthy marriage," Shawn says.

"I hope it's the same for you two," Lauren says.

Camila glances up at Shawn and gently strokes his jaw. "It is," She says.

Shawn smiles and pecks Camila's lips softly. "I was lucky to find her," He says.

Camila glances at Lauren who, instead of glancing away, has been watching them the whole time.

"Honey, can you get me another drink?" Katherine speaks.

"You've already had enough," Lauren says.

"Please, I know you want another glass of whiskey," Katherine says.

"We have company, it's rude to leave. I'll get you a drink later," Lauren says.

Katherine rolls her eyes and gets out of Lauren's arms. "I'll get the drinks then," She says.

"Katherine," Lauren calls.

But the blonde has already disappeared into the crowd, making Lauren shake her head.

"I'm sorry about that," Lauren turns to the couple.

"Don't need to. I know Madame Katherine doesn't stand being near me," Shawn says.

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