The Waitress

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One week later...

As Alfred packs Lauren's bags in the trunk of the car, the green-eyed girl types at her phone, sending off emails before putting the device away.

She turns to her kids who are sitting at the stairs, on their phones.

"Kids," Lauren speaks up.

The only one who looks up from his phone is Elijah who steps down and walks to be beside his mother.

Lauren smiles at him and reaches up, placing a hand on his shoulder as she looks at her other two kids. "I'm heading off to Canada, now," Lauren says.

That catches Ray's attention and he springs down to be in front of his mother. "Can you bring me something?" He says.

Lauren laughs and runs a hand through his brown hair. "What do you want this time?" She asks.

"Anything," Ray says.

"I'll see what I can get," Lauren says.

"How long will you be gone this time, mom?" Chloe asks.

"A day or two days. Not long, but if something comes up, then I'll text the family chat that I will stay over there longer," Lauren says.

"Ugh! Please don't text the family group chat. It's so uncool," Chloe rolls her eyes.

"At least we can all get the news at once and not waste time individually texting everyone," Elijah says.

"Mrs. Jauregui."

They turn around to see Alfred standing at the doorway, his hands behind his back.

"The car is packed. We can head off as soon as your ready," Alfred says.

"Thank you, Alfred. Wait by the car, I'll be over there in a minute," Lauren says.

Alfred nods and obeys as he heads off to stand beside the car.

"I should get going," Lauren turns to her kids.

"Bye!" Chloe says. She throws up the peace sign before retreating upstairs.

Lauren turns to her youngest son who hugs her tightly.

"Safe travels, mom," Ray says.

"Thank you, Ray. Be good and please, don't go off escaping the security or doing dangerous stuff or getting in trouble, school and home," Lauren says.

"Mhmm... No promises," Ray says.

Lauren sighs and shakes her head when her youngest son disappears upstairs as well.

"I'll try to keep them in check as much as I can. Don't worry," Elijah speaks beside his mother.

Lauren turns to face him and cups his cheek, smiling. "You're the man of the house. Take care of your siblings and your mother," Lauren says.

"You can count on me, mom," Elijah smiles.

"Good," Lauren says. She pats his cheek gently before walking over to the car.

Alfred opens the backseat door and helps Lauren in before closing the door.

The green-eyed girl settles in the back as Alfred enters the driver's side, putting up the divider to give Lauren her privacy.

Lauren sighs and leans back in her seat as she stares up at the ceiling. She brings one of her hands down and grips her crotch as she takes deep breaths to calm the nerves. "Okay, I need to calm down these nerves before I go to Canada," Lauren says.

To distract herself from the growing nerves down below, Lauren decides to watch some TV.

She has to admit she hasn't watched TV since she became President CEO of her family company so she begins to watch American Horror Story.

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