The Mistress Contract

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Camila's morning was the same as any, she wakes up, gets ready for university or work, but university today, heads downstairs to see a grand breakfast for her that Shawn ordered to be made, eats all of it alone, grabs all of her things and haves Vincent take her to university.

At the university parking lot, the car comes to a stop as Vincent gets out, and a few seconds later, the backseat door opens.

Camila takes Vincent's outstretched hand and steps out of the car.

"Have a good day, Miss Camila," Vincent says.

"You too, Vincent. I'll text you when my classes are almost done," Camila says.

The brunette walks across campus until she reaches her building as she enters the building, walking down the halls until she reaches her lecture hall and enters.

Camila sits down at her seat as she waits for the professor to arrive and the rest of the students.

She pulls her phone out when she feels a ding as she clicks on the message she got from the unknown number.

Come to the parking lot

Who is this?

Come to the parking lot, Miss Camila

Lauren Jauregui

She clicks on the contact and saves it's as Lauren's name before going back to the messages when Lauren sends her another one.

Please, come

Can't. I'm in class right now and I'm not ditching for you

I don't wait for anyone
They do what I tell them to do

Well, I ain't your employer or mistress or any of your property so your waiting, Mrs. Jauregui

Camila waits for a few minutes and no response comes so she puts her phone down.

About five minutes later, the lecture hall is filled with students and all that is missing is the professor.


Everyone's heads turn to the double doors as Dean Contreras walks up to the front.

"Relax, students. Your professor is out for the day, his wife is in labor so I got you all a substitute for the day," Dean Contreras says.

At that, a woman enters, and Camila's jaw drops as she sits up in her seat.

"Good morning, class. I'm-"

"Oh my God! It's Lauren Jauregui!" A girl says.

When everybody else hears that, they all start to go crazy, shouting her name.

"Quiet down!" The dean raises his voice.

All the students quiet down as the dean steps forward, with Lauren standing two feet behind him.

"I know a lot of you have heard of Mrs. Jauregui. You all future businessmen or women, may look up to her, we've all heard of her in the business world so hopefully, you all learn something from her today," The dean says. He walks away, closing the lecture hall's double doors behind him.

Lauren walks up to be behind the professor's desk as her green eyes search the crowd, looking for the brunette, but Camila sinks in her seat.

Camila just needs to survive all class and slip past Lauren through the crowd of students.

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