Not So Perfect

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The next morning, Lauren wakes up in an unfamiliar room as she looks around, remembering that she stayed the night with Camila. But where's Camila?

Lauren throws the duvet off of her as she gets up, quietly opening the bedroom door.

The green-eyed girl walks down the small hall so that she's now in the living room area, the kitchen to the left side of her.

And in the kitchen, she hears a beautiful voice hit a high note perfectly of a song that is playing on a speaker semi-loudly.

She goes over to the pile of clothes and puts on her bra and boxers.

"Trying to leave?"

Lauren turns to the kitchen to see Camila peaking her head out where the island is, two plates of delicious breakfast and cups of orange juice settled on the counter.

The brunette walks around and over to the green-eyed girl.

"No," Lauren shakes her head.

"Good. I made some breakfast for you," Camila says.

Lauren looks over and bites her lower lip. "Damn, I haven't had anyone make me breakfast beside the staff. My mother did but that was when I was young and it's been so long," Lauren says.

"Katherine doesn't cook for you?" Camila asks.

"I don't think Katherine has ever even been in a kitchen," Lauren says.

"You poor thing. Having a wife that can't even cook. Come," Camila says.

She grabs the green-eyed girl's hand and leads her over to the island.

Camila sits on one of the stools as Lauren takes a seat beside her.

"This smells and looks divine," Lauren says.

"Yeah. But I bet it's not the grand fancy breakfast you're used to eating every morning," Camila says.

"It's not but as long as it's delicious, I'll be happy to eat it," Lauren says.

"Dig in," Camila says.

They both start eating in comfortable silence as the only noise is the clanking of the utensils hitting the plate.

"You called me baby. Twice," Camila finally speaks.

Lauren sets her fork down and drinks some orange juice. "It was in the heat of the moment," She says.

"I kinda liked it," Camila says.

Lauren turns to look at the brunette. "Don't," She says.

"Why?" Camila frowns.

"Because baby is used towards your significant other. We're not together," Lauren says.

"I know," Camila frowns.

Lauren bites her lower lip when the brunette turns her attention back to her food.

The green-eyed girl stands up and sets Camila's utensils down as she turns her around to face her.

"I care about you. A lot. Especially knowing that someone like Shawn is with you but we signed the contract, no sort of feelings besides desire is supposed to get involved," Lauren says.

"I know but..." Camila trails off.

"If it'll please you, I can call you baby occasionally," Lauren says.

"Really?" Camila's face lights up.

"You're my mistress. Part of the contract is to please you just as I'll be getting pleased," Lauren says.

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