Sparked A Fire Deep Within

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Camila enters through the kitchen doors and the entire staff cheer when she tells them the good news.

"The boss is going to be so happy to hear this," Francesco says.

"Oh! Before I forget," Camila says. She reaches into her apron and pulls out the five hundred bills. "A tip for all of us," Camila says.

"Wow! Nobody has ever given us that much money as a tip," A waiter speaks.

"Honestly, I don't think we've ever gotten tips here and if we did, it wasn't that much," Francesco says.

"Well, we're splitting it. We all worked hard tonight to impress Mrs. Jauregui," Camila says.

After getting a preach from their boss, the entire staff drinks a little wine before everyone gets back to work.

Once her shift is done, Camila takes off her apron and gets her belongings before exiting out the back entrance to see her boyfriend's chauffeur already waiting there.

Vincent opens the door for the brunette and she takes his hand, climbing into the car.

The chauffeur closes the door and Camila pulls out her phone, sending Shawn a text.

Vincent gets in the car, closing the door before inserting the key in the ignition causing the car to rumble to life.

Camila gets out of her messages app and clicks on Safari as she types 'Lauren Jauregui' in the search bar.

A lot of news links pop up but Camila searches for one that gives information about Lauren and she didn't want to click on Wikipedia but she does.

"Full name Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado, forty-one years old, President CEO of Jauregui Finances, married to Katherine Kingston, three kids named Elijah Alexander Jauregui Kingston, Chloe Jauregui Kingston, and Ray Jauregui Kingston. Elijah is twenty, Chloe is eighteen, and Ray is fifteen. Lauren's parents are Michael Jauregui and Clara Jauregui. Lauren has two siblings who are Chirs Jauregui and Taylor Jauregui," Camila reads to herself.

She keeps reading until something catches her attention and she gasps softly but isn't shocked much.

"Lauren has a dick," Camila whispers.

The brunette feels her clit throb at this as she takes her lower lip between her teeth, the question of how big can Lauren be coming to the surface.

She clicks out of Wikipedia and then searches up 'Lauren Jauregui and Katherine Kingston'.

Camila clicks on images and pictures show up of the two together, looking like the most powerful, influential couple of all the Americas and all of Europe.

She then clicks on a photo of Lauren and her entire family.

Camila can easily make out which one is Elijah and which one is Ray and not mainly because Elijah has a beard but because in a way she and he are around the same age, the brunette just being five years older.

Then Camila clicks on a photo of Lauren with her parents and her siblings and jeez they all fit the bill of being the top powerful and influential family of all the Americas and Europe.

Camila goes back to the search bar and this time only types 'Katherine Kingston' as the brunette clicks on Wikipedia.

"Katherine Kingston, forty-years-old, natural brunette, green eyes," Camila reads.

She skips through the spouse and children section until her eyes land on the father and mother section.

"Philippe Pierre Kingston and Vivian Kingston," Camila reads.

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