Red Carpet

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One week later...

Camila is currently in the car with Shawn, on the way to the venue that is holding the Couturelux fashion show.

They are both dressed in matching outfits as Shawn fixes his hair, using Camila's makeup mirror.

He closes it and hands it back to the brunette who puts it in her handbag.

"How are you feeling, Camila?" Shawn asks, looking at her.

"Very nervous," Camila answers.

"We'll be entering through the front where the red carpet is," Shawn says.

"Oh thank you. That sure subsided my nervousness," Camila rolls her eyes.

"Don't be nervous Camila. Your modeling for Couturelux and all eyes may be on you after this," Shawn says.

"And what happens if Couturelux offers me a contract?" Camila asks.

"We go back to Toronto or we stay here in New York it doesn't really matter," Shawn says.

"Can I stay here?" Camila asks.

"Let's just get through tonight before we get ahead of ourselves," Shawn says.

The car rolls to a stop as Vincent gets out and seconds later, the backseat door opens as Shawn and Camila are washed by camera lights flashing and reporters speaking over each other loudly.

Shawn gets out first and holds his hand out, helping Camila climb out of the car.

The reporters catch sight of them as they move to surround him and Camila but the body guards hired for the event hold them back.

Shawn leads Camila onto the red carpet as they pose for the cameras, the flashing lights blinding the brunette but she keeps herself from squinting her eyes.

Shawn and Camila move along so they are now in front of a group of reporters who are ready to ask questions.

"Mr. Mendes, who is this fine lady on your arm tonight?" A male reporter asks.

"This is my girlfriend, Camila Cabello. She's going to be one of the models tonight," Shawn answers.

"Ms. Cabello, you are going to be modeling some of the finest clothing made by Mrs. Brooke and you're going to be representing Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Kordei up on that stage. How are you feeling?" A female reporter speaks up, holding the voice recorder up to the brunette.

"I'm feeling ready to get up on that stage and show off Mrs. Brooke's new collection. I just hope that me modeling gets her a lot of sales," Camila speaks.

"With someone as beautiful as you, I'm sure of it," The female reporter says.

The male reporter was about to ask another question but then the reporters go wild as Shawn and Camila look over to see that the Jauregui family has arrived.

Lauren and Katherine pose with their kids as they are flooded with flashing camera lights.

Elijah looks over and his green eyes lock with Camila's brown ones as he throws her a dashing smile.

He departs from his mothers and siblings and walks over to Camila and Shawn. "Good evening, Camila. Mr. Mendes," Elijah says. He kisses the brunette on the cheek and shakes Shawn's hand.

"Good evening, Elijah," Shawn says.

"Hi, Elijah," Camila smiles.

"Sorry my family stole your thunder, Cami," Elijah says.

"It's fine," Camila says.

"I'll see you inside, Camila. I'm going to find a seat in the front," Shawn says.

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