And The Results Are In

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What up guys! I'm doing this because I wanted to tell you that this book is nearing its end but do not worry there will be a sequel for it. For now, enjoy!


In the office of their family doctor, Lauren and the kids sit on the couches, not talking to each other, not even staring at each other.

The office door opens and the doctor walks in, closing the door behind him.

"Sorry for taking a bit. I was attending to another one of my patients," The doctor says.

"It's okay, Dr. Ramsey," Lauren stands up.

Dr. Ramsey sits at his desk as Lauren sits at one of the chairs across from him.

"How can I help you today, Lauren?" Dr. Ramsey asks.

"I need you to run a DNA test," Lauren says.

Dr. Ramsey looks at her in confusion and shock before he looks over at the three kids in the back, the three kids he helped give birth to, the three kids he always checks up on every year for their yearly physical check up.

"On which one?" Dr. Ramsey asks.

"All three of them," Lauren says.

Dr. Ramsey lets out a deep breath and stands up. "All four of you follow me," He says.

A while later, the four of them return to Dr. Ramsey's office, retaking their seats on the couches.

"Mom, what will happen if we're not your kids?" Chloe finally speaks up.

Lauren looks at the three of them and wraps her arm around her daughter who is sitting beside her.

"No matter what those tests say, I will love you like you were my own. But if you guys aren't my kids, you can't be the inheritors of my company. If my father came to find out that I let someone who isn't my blood be the CEO of Jauregui Finances," Lauren says.

"But you're going to tell abuelo, aren't you?" Ray asks.

"I have to," Lauren speaks softly.

"No, you don't. When will you stop allowing him to control your life?" Elijah finally speaks.

"I'm his first child, his golden one. He just-"

"I know you are but your forty-one. Your CEO of the company, you have your own family. You can't let abuelo control any of that," Elijah cuts his mother off.

Lauren brings her daughter closer and rests her cheek on top of her head, taking in everything Elijah said.

They wait for a long while and when Dr. Ramsey enters the office they all stand up.

"The results are in," Dr. Ramsay says.

He walks over to them and hands the green-eyed girl three blue folders.

Lauren examines all of them before closing the folders. "Let's go home, kids," She says.

"What does-"

"Let's go home," Lauren says calmly, cutting all three of them off.

"Yes, mom," All three of them say.

The ride home was dead silent, Lauren keeping all three folders tight in her hold.

They enter the house and see Katherine descend the stairs.

"Ah, you guys are back," Katherine speaks.

"Callate, Katherine!" Lauren speaks firmly. (Shut up)

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