3. New Avenger

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-Natasha's pov-

I lead her to the living room and we sat down 'you want something to drink?' I asked her 'sure' she said and I grabbed two beer, I opened it and gave it to her, she looked at it and spilled some on the table, then looked at it and drank it

'why did you do that?' I asked, I knew what she was doing, she was checking if it wasn't spiked 'even though you are one of the good guys, I still don't trust you' she said and drank more, I nodded. 'do you know where my sister is?' I asked 'Budapest' she answered and put the bottle down, she downed that drink

'mrs. Romanoff' a women said and I turned my head, there was that assistent of Fury 'let's go Y/n' I said and we stood up

As we walked she was silent, I glanced to her a few times but she just looked down, we came into the lab and I greeted Banner, Wanda was also there and this was the first time Y/n looked up but her eyes widened when she saw the mind reader

-y/n's pov-

She gave me a beer but I don't trust her, I spilled some on the table and inspected it, I glanced over to Natasha and she saw what I was doing 'why did you do that?' she asked when I leaned back and drank 'even though you are one of the good guys, I still don't trust you' I said and downed the drink, then put down the bottle.

I was quiet for a bit when a feminine voice called Natasha, we stood up and had to follow her, I kept looking down, when we came into a light room I looked up but my eyes widened when I saw some things that were on, I got a flashback from the red room


'what are you doing to me?' I asked the doctor 'learning you how not to show your emotions, this is what you get when you show emotions!' he spat when he tightened the strap around my ankle, stay strong stay strong... I kept repeating in my head, he then attached something to my head and pushed a button, the thing on my head was giving me shocks and I cried out but he kept shouting to let it stop 'keep shouting and I'll put it higher!' he said and I started breathing loud, trying to conceal my cries

-end flashback-

'no no no no no no no' I kept repeating 'y/n' I heard someone say, I opened my eyes and saw Wanda and Natasha kneeled down next to me, I fell through my knees and started crying 'NO!' I said and pushed them away with my powers, the doctor catched Natasha and Wanda caught herself, they were shocked

I quickly stood up and took distance 'y/n we aren't in the red room!' Natasha shouted but I covered my ears, I hit the glass and uncovered my ears, I looked at them and then smashed the glass, it broke and I got into the hallway, I saw Wanda, she spread her arms and in the palms of her hands were red circles

'oh shit' I said and looked left and right, I ran right and followed the hallway, I then saw an open vent and looked back, I then didn't hesitate and jumped right in, closed it (like the vent was hanging open and with magnets it could close, you know? imma just stop...)

I heard Natasha running and she stood under the vent, I looked down at her while breathing fast, I wasn't out of breath but I was just scared

I think she heard me because she kept standing under the vent 'y/n...' she warned, then Wanda and that doctor catched up and stood next to her 'why are you standing still?' Wanda asked, I saw her whisper something to Wanda 'we aren't gonna hurt you' she sighed when I didn't respond 'то, что вы видели, - это читатель мыслей, а не шоковая машина из красной комнаты' (the thing you saw was an mind reader, it wasn't the shock machine in the red room) she said in Russian, my eyes widened 'обещать?' (promise?) I spoke up, I saw Wanda's eyes widen, she heard me 'Я обещаю принцесса' (I promise, princess) she said

I didn't come out but I knew, she knew exactly where I was, she didn't look at the vent 'you want me to get you from there or do you come out by yourself?' she sighed 'step aside' I said, sighed as she did so, I kicked the vent and jumped out, I stood with my head bowed, embarrassed they found me so quickly, I saw two feet standing in front of me and the figure grabbed my chin gently and pulled me up

I met Natasha's green eyes 'это не повредит тебе' (it won't hurt you) I smiled faintly, she placed her hands on my shoulders 'и мы не причиним тебе вреда' (and we won't hurt you) she finished 'Ладно' (okay) I said and looked at Wanda, her eyes still glowed red, it scared me but I didn't show it

'well let's run the tests shall we...' the doctor said 'can't... Wanda just read my mind, I have nothing to hide...' I sighed, Wanda looked at the doctor 'why?' Wanda asked and I looked at Natasha 'in the red room... if we showed emotions we would get locked in a machine that would give us shocks... as a punishment..' Natasha explained and my eyes started burning of tears, Wanda looked at me, what I could read from her face, she was genuinely sorry for me, she bit her lip to prevent crying and I couldn't bare to see it so I just looked at the ground (eyes red because she is reading your mind) 'she is really free from Dreykov...' Wanda said

'lets go to Fury then' Natasha said, Wanda and the doctor nodded 'who?' I asked 'Nick Fury, boss of shield, he kinda gives us the missions' Natasha explained 'oh' I said and she grabbed my hand, then squeezed it 'again, it is okay' she said and pulled me

We came by a kind of meeting room and all the Avengers were sitting around the table, a man with an eyepatch was standing in front, the doctor sat down, Wanda walked over to the eyepatch man and said something to him, then stood next to me, Wanda left and Natasha on my right, it was silent for a while, then the eyepatch man spoke up

'so y/n, I got informed that you aren't an undercover spy and because of your fight skills, I want to ask you if you want to become our newest avenger?' the eyepatch man asked and I gulped 'I uhm...' I said, maybe they could defend me against Dreykov... maybe here I will be safe I thought 'I- I would love to' I said and smiled, I looked at all the Avengers and many of them were smiling 'only if everyone agrees that I join the team' I said and they all nodded

'y/n no worries' spider boy said 'well, girls sit down we have things to discuss' Fury said and I froze, Wanda and Natasha walked over to two chairs but I stood frozen 'where...' I said but both Natasha and Wanda motioned me to sit next to them, I glanced to both of them but Wanda her eyes glowed red when I looked at Natasha so I quickly walked towards Wanda and sat next to her

Fury started talking about S.H.I.E.L.D or something but I didn't care much about it, I looked outside until Fury said the word mission, I sweeped my head to him and started listening 'there is turmoil in New York so I want Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and Spider-man to discipline the city, that was the meeting, Natasha can you train with y/n for today and bring her to her room?' Fury asked and Natasha nodded, I saw Wanda her eyes glow red again, when the assigned people walked away Wanda stood up, I quickly stood up and grabbed her arm

'Wanda are you okay, your eyes keep glowing red' I said 'oh, yes I am...' she said but got cut off by Natasha 'y/n lets go' 'give me one second' I said and turned my head to Wanda 'what did you say?' I asked 'I am okay, thanks for worrying' she said and I smiled, then left with Natasha.

-time skip-

I was in my room and just showered, I laid in my bed thinking about how many things happened today, I was an Avenger now, I jumped out of my bed and walked over to my window, being careful of course, the agents could be looking for me, I looked down at New York City and smiled, I was free, I have to free the other agents, they deserve to live a normal life. I got back to my bed and fell asleep

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now