19. Overprotected

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-the next day (y/n's pov)-
I woke up by movement on my left, I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room how? I thought as I tried to sit up, but an strong arm around my waist prevented me to, I looked to my side to see Natasha, it was her arm, I looked at my other side and saw my other girlfriend, Wanda, I admired both of them as I snuggled into Natasha, her arm going tighter around me, strangling me softly 'Nattt' I moaned as she cut off my air with her tight grip, I felt her shuffle as her eyes opened

'hey princess' she said 'morning' I groaned, she looked over at Wanda who was still asleep, I snuggled towards her and her other arm wrapped around me 'we should train today' Nat suggested and I just hummed, we laid in bed just cuddling for a while as we noticed that Wanda started to wake up, she opened her eyes who were at the ceiling 'morning' I said as I untangled myself from Nat and crawled over to Wanda, she looked at me as I laid on her chest, looking up at her

'well goodmorning, draga' she says as she sits up, I also sit up and Wanda leans to Nat to give her a kiss 'goodmorning bubs' she says to Nat, then she kissed me 'y/n and I are going to train later, are you joining?' Nat asks Wanda 'I'll just look' Wanda answers with a wink, I giggled which drew the attention of both women 'can we go downstairs, I want to have breakfasttt' I say as they start to chuckle 'let's get downstairs' Wanda says while doing the cute nose scrunch

We got off of the bed and went downstairs, Nat's arms around my waist 'what do you both want as breakfast?' I ask them as I untangle myself from Natasha, I walk over to the refrigerator and open it 'can I make smoothies?' I ask as I turn to them, they both nod in excitement

I grab milk (YES MILK), frozen strawberries, a frozen banana and frozen mango, I look at the girls and they are admiring me, I blush in the moment but quickly walk to the blender, turning my back to them, I am putting all the fruit and milk in the blender and put the cap on it, then turning it on 'WHO IS MAKING SMOOTHIES?!' I hear someone shout, followed by Peter, Sam, Tony, Steve, and Bruce 'me!' I say as I raise my hand and wave it crazily 'CAN YOU MAKE US SOME TOO!' Peter shouts, I put off the machine and turn to them 'SURE!' I say and laugh

Peter runs up to me and picks me up, hugging me but soon I am separated by two strong arms who are holding me behind, Wanda is standing between Peter and I 'Wands, Nat its okay' I laugh and turn Wanda around, her eyes are red, Nat's grip is still firm 'i'll bring your smoothies to the office, get back to work lazy asses' I say to the guys and they quickly leave

Nat's lips are attaching my neck as soon as they leave but the only reason that I don't want them here is because I don't want them to see how scared I am from Wanda and her red eyes 'Nat let go please...' I mutter, Wanda is still looking into my soul with her red eyes but Nat doesn't realize, she is planting kisses on my neck 'Nat' I say a little louder as Wanda starts to walk up to me, grabbing my chin 'Wanda calm down, he is my best friend, he can hug me' I say as I put my hands on her arms, her eyes close for a moment, Nat had now realized that Wanda had red eyes 'Wanda' Nat says and Wanda opens her eyes again 'sorry...' she says and I pull her into a hug

'can you guys help me to make these smoothies?' I ask them and they lighten up, then both nod and we get to work, I quickly pour our smoothies in glasses while they grab the stuff, we are soon done and have brought the boys their smoothies, I am now sitting at the table just looking through my phone while Nat and Wanda are in a conversation, suddenly I get a notification

P: hey y/n, care to join me this evening to get something to drink with my friends Ned and M.J?

I look at my girlfriends and back to my phone

Y: yeah sure! sounds fun, when do you want to go?

P: like 4 PM is good, we will meet them in the local coffee shop

Y: you sure a coffee shop is good? last time I was drugged haha

P: I'll make sure that it isn't spiked, pinky promise

Y: sure, I'll be done at 4PM

P: amazing! they'll love you and you'll love them!

I smile as I look at my phone 'what are you smiling at?' Nat says curiously 'Pete has asked me to meet his friends, I am going this afternoon' I say as I look at them, they look at each other 'is that a good idea?' Nat asks 'I will be with them, nothing will happen, trust me' I say, Wanda looks down at her smoothie

'Stark is still trying to keep you inside' she mutters 'and I am not his child, gosh this guy is so annoying' I say as I stand up and walk around 'I am trying to have some fun with my best friend, come on' I say as I try my puppy eyes, they both can't resist it 'sure, but put on your location' Nat says sternly 'I know that you both care about me so much and that you love me and I love you and care about you both so sure I'll put on my location' I say as I walk over to them, pecking their lips each 'I am going to change, I'll be in the training room in about ten minutes' I say as I walk away

I walk to my room and get to my closet, I gab some shorts and a cropped shirt, put my hair in a high ponytail and jog to the training room, Nat was already changed and Wanda is sitting on a chair, Nat is already warming up 'hey' I say and they both look at me, they start to drool 'hey don't drool' I joke as I peck Nat's nose as I get into the ring 'Wanda can we try to do that power training after I have trained my combat?' I ask Wanda as I start to warm up 'of course, love' she says as she smiles at me 'y/n, u ready yet?' I hear Nat's voice 'yes, love' I say as I turn to Nat, we start combatting

Nat is really good in combat and I am more good with power, we are just throwing punches and kicks, as my adrenaline is kicking in I start to get more power, I can't control it, suddenly I feel my eyes flicker and push Nat away, I turn away from them both and I feel my eyes flickering, they keep doing it 'y/n?' I hear Nat's voice, I shake my head, trying to stop the trance 'no... no...' I keep muttering

I see Wanda standing in front of me but I turn away, I quickly get out of the ring and walk away from my girlfriends, scared to hurt them 'please... stay back... I'll hurt you' I keep saying 'shit, Nat she is getting out of control' I hear Wanda's voice

-Wanda's pov-

I am sneaking up on y/n, I then grab her and push her to the ground while turning her around, Nat is quickly to understand what I am doing and now she is holding y/n's arms. I try to think of an solution, y/n's eyes are flickering between her normal eye  color and purple 'y/n take control of it, try to stay calm' I say and I let her look at me and she relaxes under our touch, I see that her eyes are flickering slower and slower as it completely stops

'I am sorry...' y/n says as we help her up, Nat and I immediately hugs her, giving her kisses on her head 'baby... baby, you did the right thing, you tried to stay calm, only it didn't work out this time, you'll succeed next time, we support you' I say and she nods 'let's take a pause' Nat suggests and we walk to the chairs, we sit down and I see that y/n and Nat are drinking their water, I am in my thoughts, thinking about how to help her.

-time skip (y/n's pov)-

I was laying on the ground, after I trained combat with Nat I had to train my powers with Wanda, I am strong with my powers but I can't control them completely 'come on y/n, can't take it?' Wanda teases, I jump on the ground (like laying on your back and jumping with using your arms and legs, u understand?) my eyes were flashing purple as Wanda's are flashing red, she blasts some power at me but I jump and do a corkscrew flip (is that the name of it?)

I land like Nat always do and shoot my powers at her, what she didn't see coming is me attacking shortly after with water, the water in my water bottle floats to me as I am bending it (she's just like the Avatar in the series Avatar... i'll just stop...) I launch at her and now she is under me Wanda looks at me with confusion and slight fear 'what? can't take it?' I tease her with her own words, I get away from her and twirling the water around me as Wanda stands up 'why don't you use that more often, could be handy' she says as Nat throws a water bottle to her, suddenly I hear a voice.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now