32. Betray

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I look up from my phone and on that moment Wanda and Nat walk into the jet 'who is flying?' I ask 'do you want to fly?' Nat asks and I nod 'I'll change real quickly' I say and rush to the bathroom, I change and walk over to the pilot's chair, Wanda and Natasha are already done with changing

'so, what is our plan?'I ask as I start the jet 'Tony has bought the tears so we could store it safe, we get there, tell us we're the Avengers, get inside, grab the tears and get back, logic thinking?' Nat says, the last part sarcastically 'I just thought that it was necessary to ask if we had a plan' I said and turn my gaze back to in front of me, in matter of seconds we are there and get out of the plane, someone is waiting for us 'are you the avengers?' he asks 'we are' I say 'identify yourself please' the man says 'Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff and Y/n Y/l/n' I say and he nods, I look to my left and see bushes move, Duco

We walk after the man towards the entrance of the base and get inside, we have to get through an scanner and I hope Duco gets through it without getting noticed, there are luckily no problems and we get to the room where the tears are stored, we grab it, shake hands with the man and get back to the jet

I smirk as I have the tears in my hands, it is in an special container, I close the door of the jet and lock it 'so' I say and smirk, I put the tears down, both the girls are next to me, I reach to their ears and grab their earpieces, they look at me confused as I turn around. Then Duco appears 'surprise' he says and both Natasha and Wanda spin around, I was already looking directly to Duco. Wanda starts twirling her magic around her, Nat grabs her pistol and points it at Duco

'well finally' I say as the girls look at me, I break the earpieces with my bare hands and walk over to Duco and he smirks 'y/n what. are. you. doing?!' Nat says, I look at the camera's and then back, Duco destroyed them when we landed so the only thing you see is broken wires and glass 'well, I find it cute that you all thought I was good when you all picked me up in that street of new york... What if I was the whole entire time the bad guy?' I say and Duco wraps his arm around my waist 'maybe I really am' I say and look at him, he pecks my lips

I look in the corner of my eye to the girls and the color drains off of their face, when they move I use my powers to trap them, I untangle myself from Duco and inject the needles into them, they lose consciousness 'the stealth mode doesn't work, they'll track us in no time... We need to get the tracker out of this thing before taking off' I say and Duco nods, he walks over to the fly panel and starts working, I move the girls to the cells in the jet, grab their phones as we take off and I walk back to Duco who is flying 'amazing plan, love' I say

'thanks, you did a good job, princess' he says and I smile, he flies to our base and we land, as I open the door I see my father 'how did it go?' he asks as I help him into the jet 'they are unconcious' I say and lead him to the girls in the cells 'just put them in cells and wait for them to wake up' I say and he nods, he lets agents grab the girls and bring them to cells 'how is it going with our compartment?' Duco asks

'it is done so you two can move in it, do I need to lead you both there?' Dreykov says and we both nod, he leads us to an new part of the base and we get inside, it is really luxe and there are several rooms, a training room, swimming pool, everything is there 'this is amazing!' I say and look at Dreykov 'thank you' I say and he just gives me a smile 'well get some sleep, I want you to talk with those avengers tomorrow and that you train your pupils like last time' he says

'sure thing, father' I say and he leaves 'I am happy you are finally here full time' Duco says 'me too, how about the avengers, aren't they gonna suspect anything?' I ask 'they can't locate you or contact you here, we are too high in the air, but for sure, break their phones, also yours, i'll get you a new one' Duco says and I nod, I grab the three phones and break them by smashing them onto the counter, then destroy them with my fire, after that I throw them away 'you know, I am pretty tired, can we get to bed?' I ask and Duco nods 'of course, princess' he says and we change, get into bed and I quickly fall asleep.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now