29. Mission

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-Two weeks later (y/n's pov)-

The last weeks been hard for me, no drugs as I was addicted on the first day, I've trained hard and spend much time in the gym trying to improve my stamina, it is now better than ever, I also feel a lot better since I am eating more and more trying to get back on track again.

I slowly open my eyes, Natasha's arms tightly around my waist, my head snuggled into her chest, Wanda's hands in my hair and their whispers waking me up. I think about the last two months, when I was happy and when I wasn't, I was happy that Wanda, Nat and I haven't broken up, I am happy to be with them. I look up at Nat, she is focussed on Wanda, she is talking about something but I am too sleepy to hear what they're saying so I just stir and yawn

'morning beautiful' Nat says and peppers my face with kisses 'morning' I groan, I turn to my other girlfriend and she grabs my chin gently to give me a kiss 'where were you talking about?' I ask as I lay back on my back 'nothing important' Wanda says and I just hum 'come, let's get food!' Nat says scooping me from the bed, I yelp as she picks me up 'I just woke upppp' I pout but she just laughs

Wanda is behind us and laughs with us. Nat puts me down and we walk into the kitchen, Tony, Steve, Clint, Fury, Sam, Bruce and Peter are standing there 'good for you all to join' Steve says sarcastically 'I am sorry' I say and laugh softly, laying my arms on the counter so I am leaning onto it

'so y/n, have you changed your mind about the mission, it is late to talk about it but there was a delay, so what is your decision?' Fury asks 'I-' I say 'I was high on that moment but I am happy to join if I am still able to' I say and he nods 'high?' Steve asks as he crosses his arms over his chest 'the wheat' I say

'that doesn't matter, she doesn't uses it anymore, now it is not the point of this meeting. The mission is about a guy, we are chasing him, he is from the red room, he isn't an agent but someone important for Dreykov, his name is Duco Rodriguez, at first I want all of you to investigate to this boy, all we know is that he is desperate for something. I am sending y/l/n, Rogers and Wilson to look in the city, the others are working from here, you'll leave this afternoon. When we have enough evidence of what he is desperate for I'll come for a new plan' Fury explains

'a guy working for the red room, that's new' I chuckle, Nat also chuckles 'but yeah, okay, seems easy enough' I say and walk to the fruit bowl, grabbing an apple 'so, Rogers, when are we leaving?' I ask as I take a bite of my apple 'be ready at 2:15PM' he says and I nod, Sam also nods in approval and everyone starts doing their own things, Wanda starts making breakfast 'y/n what do you want to eat?' she asks 'oh I have enough on this' I say waving with my apple

'only eating an apple isn't healthy y/n' Nat says 'I am doing it for like almost two months, I still look healthy' I say and she rolls her eyes, I chuckle at her reaction. We all get into the office and start looking up things about Duco. I quickly change into some better clothes and wait until it is time to go.

-Skip to 2:15-

(your outfit)

(your outfit)

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My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now