30. Red Room

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A/n: so for the people who are confused, y/n is being controlled by Dreykov, thinking that she hates the avengers and that she is Duco's fiancé

-Y/n's pov-

I was sitting behind my desk, trying to look concentrated while just looking up some places where the ingrediënt can lay, I already know where it is located but no way I am going to tell the Avengers, I am just here for my mission for Dreykov and then I'll be back at the Red Room with Duco, that is my home, not here.

I look up as I see Peter entering the office 'hey mr. Stark, I got to ask you something' he said as he walked over to Stark's desk 'tell me kid' Stark said as he turns around 'well I have to go on a school trip this week but aunt May won't sign it, can you do it?' he asks, I snicker as I focus back on my computer, suddenly I get a call, I look at my phone and see an unknown number, I stand up and walk out of the office, I quickly walk to my room and close it 'hello?' I say as I answer the phone 'hello princess' Duco's voice rings through my ears

'heyy' I say and smile 'how are you, how is it going? I need to tell you something' he asks 'amazing. Wait let me get to a safer place before we talk' I whisper and walk to my window, I fly out and get onto the roof 'okay i'm on the rooftop' I say 'so, tonight we are meeting with Dreykov, he will tell us more about this ingrediënt, princess, if we succeed we can get our own compartment in the base and you are back home' Duco explains

'that sounds amazing, I can't wait!' I say excited 'me too princess, i'll see you tonight' he says 'see you tonight, love ya' I say 'love you too, princess' he says and I hang up, I fly back to my room and walk back to the office 'why did you leave?' Steve asks as I enter the office 'had to get some fresh air' I lie and sit back down, until dinner time I am just working on some useless things.

Friday reminds us that dinner is ready so we get out of the office and get to the dinner table, Clint made food so we all sit down, I sit down in my usual seat and Wanda and Natasha seat next to me, we start eating and everyone starts to talk about small things, I am just desperate to sneak out and get to see Duco, as I shake out of my thoughts I see everyone looking at me 'why are you all looking at me?' I ask nervously 'we've asked you something, are you okay?' Steve asks 'oh yeah I am okay' I say

'you've hardly touched your food' Nat says looking at my food 'oh, I am not hungry' I lie 'y/n we are not going to do this again, go eat' Wanda says, I sigh and grab my cutlery and put some food into my mouth, I look at Wanda who smiles faintly, she is still trying to help the old y/n recover without knowing she is gone I think and snicker in my head, of course blocking my mind for her once again

-After dinner-

'are we going to watch a movie?' Peter asks 'yeah sure' Steve says and everyone agrees with him 'I am a bit tired..' I say 'oh come on you never miss movie nights' Peter pouts 'I have watched almost every movie when I was in my room for a whole month' I say and chuckle 'just watch it with us' I hear Natasha's voice in my ear, her arms wrapping around my waist. I groan and Natashas chuckles 'sure...' I mutter, I have still time I think and I walk with Natasha to the couch, Wanda is sitting in the corner as I just sit next to her, Wanda puts her arm around my waist and pulls her towards her, I just sit there

-Wanda's pov-

there is definitely something with y/n but it isn't the drugs, we've put that in a safe place, there is something else, I have tried looking into her mind but it seems she is blocking it from me, when Nat wrapped her arms around y/n she didn't smile, looked down to prevent anyone seeing her smile and she didn't even blush, normally she would do that or would moans Nat's name due the surprising arms that wrap around you. When she sat down next to me she didn't lay down next to me so I did it by myself, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me, she didn't look at me with her soft eyes, she just shifted in her spot

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now