40. Jealousy ~NSFW~

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On request of a friend of mine I had to write smut, I'VE NEVER WRITTEN IT BEFORE SO SHUSH BECAUSE I AM BAD AT IT.

-Y/n's pov-

'Okay I am done!' I say and walk out of the bathroom 'and?' I ask as I twirl, both my girlfriend their mouth hang open and I laugh 'is it that bad?' I ask 'you look beautiful!' they squeal 'thank you babes' I say and give them both a kiss.

'you two don't look bad yourselfs, you both are beautiful' I say and smile, they smile back and we start doing our makeup and hair, soon the first guests arrive and we get downstairs.

I look around and see Carol, I smile and walk over to her 'hey!' she says and I give her a hug 'hey, how are you?' I ask 'really good, you, better since last time I've saw you?' she asks and I nod 'hey Carol' Nat says and stand next to me

'hey Nat' she says with a smile 'hello' Wanda says and wraps her arm around my waist 'good to see you three!' Carol says and I chuckle 'it is good to see you too, Carol' Wanda says and looks at me, giving me a smile.

'should we get some drinks?' Nat whispers in my ear 'yeah sure, Carol we will see you later' I say and she nods, we walk to the bar and order some drinks, I sit down and look around

'Nat should we dance?' Wanda asks 'uhm' Nat says 'oh come on Nat, go dance, I'll wait here' I say and she sighs, then walks away with Wanda, I just look at them as they are having a good time while I am drinking my drink, after a few drinks I am tipsy and just smiling as my girlfriends are happily dancing

'hey beautiful' a voice says and I turn my head 'hello' I say and smile 'what are you doing here alone?' she asks 'oh I-' I say and look at Nat and Wanda, maybe I can tease them a bit. I turn back to the girl 'just sipping my drink' I say and smile

We have a small talk and the girl is called Selena, she is really sweet, suddenly her hand lands on my thigh and I practically feel the jealousy of my girlfriends who are sending daggers into my back 

'what if we-' Selena says but her hand gets slapped away and two strong arms go around my waist, a familiar scent invading my nose, knowing it is Nat who is standing behind me.

'no she won't' Nat says and pulls me away from Selena, dragging me to the corridor, Wanda walking after us while her eyes are glowing red. Nat pushes me against the wall 'what are you playing?!' she says I chuckle and look down

'you think this is funny?' Wanda says and I look up at her, her eyes are still red and her magic is twirling in her hand 'it's cute' I say and she tilts her head 'bedroom. now.' Wanda orders and Nat let's me go 

I nod and practically run to our shared bedroom 'got that's hot' I whisper and get inside and catch my breath, I flinch as the door gets opened, both my girlfriends are standing in the doorway

I look at them, Wanda's eyes are red as Nat's eyes are... blue? 'N-Nat your eyes' I say 'oh I know, dorogoy' she says and steps inside, Wanda closes the door after them, locking it...

Nat backs me up against the bed and I fall onto it, holding myself up by my elbows while looking up at her gorgeous face 'headboard' she orders and I quickly shuffle back to the headboard

'you were teasing us, weren't you... Draga?' Wanda asks as she lays down next to me, playing with my necklace. When I don't answer her hand finds my neck and she squeezes it, causing me to gasp

'answer me' she says, I glance between her and Nat. Nat her hands are seeking up my legs to my heat 'y-yes' I stutter, as her hand loosens around my neck. She sits up and gives me kisses on my neck, quickly she starts planting hickeys onto it.

While Wanda is busy marking my neck Nat has made it to my heat, her fingers are trailing up and down my thighs, she is teasing me. Then I feel two fingers entering my heat causing me to moan 'Nat-' I squirm around, trying to shut my legs but Nat keeps them open

'keep that mouth shut, I don't want to hear one single sound' she hisses and I bite my bottom lip while whimpering, trying not to make a sound. Nat's fingers began thrusting in and out of me, muffled whimpers from me withdrew what made Nat slap my thigh

'I said shut it or... I'll edge you until you pass out' she says warningly and I quickly nod. Then Wanda pulls back and smirks at me. 

I look at her as I know that my neck is covered in hickeys and love bites. Wanda looks proud at her work. She leans towards me and captures my lips, roughly but hot. On that moment Nat attaches her lips to my heat and start eating me out. I let out a moan that is muffled due Wanda's lips against mine

The coil in my stomach is growing and growing 'N-nat I-' I manage to say but she speeds up causing me to let out a loud moan 'hold it in until we say you can cum' Wanda orders sternly as her eyes flash red, in seconds both my hands are tied above my hands, red wisps around it

'Nat, my turn' Wanda says and Nat pulls back and I whimper due the emptiness but it is soon replaced with Wanda's mouth, I moan as she starts aggressively eating me out, god what these girls do to me is incredible.

Nat gets towards me and smirks, I moan as Wanda's mouth is replaced with her fingers, they go in an awfully slow pace

'Wanda...' I moan 'yes love' she teases and smirks, looking down at me I groan because of her teasing. When I open my mouth her pace quickens and all that comes out of my mouth are moans 'too occupied to speak, whore' Nat says and you look at her as she chuckles

'f-fuck you' you mutter but she gives you a glare as her eyes glow blue, an eyebrow raised 'what did you say, princess?' she asks 'n-nothing' you quickly mutter as Wanda once again quickens her pace, only moans are heard.

Then Nat leans to your neck and starts covering it with more hickeys 'p-please I can't!' you shout as both your girlfriends chuckle

'I think we just should let it be' Nat says who pulls back, Wanda slows down 'that is a fairly good punishment..' she says and looks at you 'n-no' 'not?' Wanda says and raises her eyebrow 'y-yes, please I'll do everything!' I quickly say hoping they won't edge me, that would be worse

'anything... princess?' Nat says in my ear, causing me to shiver due the nickname, god that does something to me... 'a-anything' I stutter, she looks at Wanda and Wanda smirks while nodding.

And that was one of the most amazing nights ever... nine orgasms... NINE... I eventually passed out.


My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now