34. New Set Of Pupils

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I knock onto her office door and get inside as I hear her voice 'madam B' I say 'y/n, what can I help you with?' she asks 'do you have the list of my new group of pupils? my father said it were girls from the ten year old's' I say and she nods, she looks around her desk and grabs a paper, she gives it to me 'thank you' I say and leave, I walk to the room of the ten year old's and walk inside 'widows!' I shout and they all quickly stand up and line up

'I am Y/n Dreykov, daughter of our general, I am here to get my new group, I am looking for the next girls, when you hear your name get to me' I say and look at the paper 'Aliana Fedorov' I say and a black haired girl walks over to me, standing next to me

'Savanna Carter, Jade Martine, Alyssa Blaise and Julia Radorov' I say and the girls walk over to me 'the other ones get back on working' I say and they rush to what they were doing 'so girls, lets go' I say and we walk to a training room, I get inside and they follow me

'so, can you girls demonstrate me what you can do?' I ask but they are pretty shy 'okay I have to do this the other way...' I mutter and walk to them, I motion for them to sit down and they do, I crouch down and give them a warming smile

'girls, you don't have to hide your emotions from me, I know that is been thought to you girls but with me you don't have to, be yourself as long as you try to concentrate and do your best. We here are trying to make you girls all good widows, look at me, I am the best widow on in the red room' I explain and they sigh letting the no-emotion mask fall as I chuckle 'Sav, Jade can you combat for me?' I ask and they immediately stand up, they start to combat

Savanna's stance is wrong and Jade is punching too soft, I understand why I had to tutor these kids, this will be a long day.

-Skip to night-

I flop onto my bed, tired from today, after a mission tutoring some kids how to stand and punch, I lay next to Duco as we are just talking 'they need much tutoring' I tell him 'why?' he asks 'their stance, punches everything is wrong, they need much correction' I explain 'that isn't good' he says 'no shit sherlock' I joke and turn to him

'what do you think the avengers planning right now?' I ask 'I don't know, maybe how they will track you down trying to get you back' he says 'yeah good joke, I am not leaving' I say and lay closer to him, he wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head 'I don't want to leave you' I say 'me too' he whispers, soon I feel becoming more and more tired as I fall asleep.

-Wanda's pov-

'so she was brainwashed the whole time?!' Tony groans as we are walking back inside, Fury walks over to us 'what the hell was that?!' he says 'y/n is brainwashed by Dreykov' I start 'well now Audrey and Hela are gone!' he says and we all gasp, I look at Nat she looks at me 'and now?' Tony asks 'we need to track down the red room, it will be a hard task to do but we need to' Nat suggests 'if we want to get y/n back' Steve adds and we all agree, we rush to the office and get in, Nat and I get aside with Fury

'what happened on the mission?' Fury asks us

'we got the tears but suddenly Duco was there, y/n walked over to him and kissed him, then she injected us with a sort of serum and we were both knocked out, next second we were in a cell. Y/n came to us the day after that, telling us that Dreykov is her father and that Duco was her fiancé, probably they told her that after the brainwash. Later she came back with four girls, one of them was Everleigh, the others were unknown, I tried to control her but she managed to take control two times, we escaped when I controlled an guard, luckily we were unseen and came back here' I explain and he sighs

'that is a whole lot of information' he says and we nod 'so y/n says that Duco Rodriguez is her fiancé?' Steve asks 'that is what she told us, she broke up with us for him' Nat says 'well the brainwashed y/n broke up with us' I correct

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now