11. Protection

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-y/n's pov (back in the compound)-

I woke up in my bed 'huh...' I didn't fall asleep, I defeated Ultron and then... everything became black... 'thank god you are awake' I heard a russian voice, I looked up and saw Natasha 'we began to worry' I heard the East-european voice, Wanda, they both walked over to me 'what happened?' I asked, they looked at each other 'you defeated Ultron but used so much power that you passed out, after that we got the package and got back to the compound, Tony is currently working on it' Wanda explained, grabbing my hands, I melted under her touch 'i'll make some food for you' she said standing up, I nodded

'what would you like?' she asked 'bowl of fruit? and a bottle of water please' I said and she smiled and winked, then left 'how do you feel?' Natasha asked 'my head hurts' I said and she nodded, she got further on the bed 'come, i'll give you a head massage' she said and I was confused, she patted the space in between her legs so I just followed her instructions, she gently laid me against her and started rubbing my temples, it really helped to get my headache away, soon after Wanda came in and tilted her head

'headache' I said and she chuckled, she walked over to us and got on the bed, she grabbed a fork and started feeding me 'you know I have hands' I chuckled 'yeah I know' she said but continued to feed me 'better?' Natasha asked me 'yes, thanks' I said 'agent Romanoff, you are asked to go to the meeting room this instant' Friday said 'I have to go' she said and got off the bed, then left my room

Wanda looked me in my eyes, then gave me a strawberry 'thanks Wands' I said giving her a kiss on her cheek, she smiled and went to lay next to me, I laid my head on her shoulder as it was still pounding, she put one arm around my waist and pulled me towards her, my eyelids become heavy again and soon fell asleep

- few hours later-

I woke up and saw that I was laying on Wanda, my head was on her chest as our legs were tangled together

I woke up and saw that I was laying on Wanda, my head was on her chest as our legs were tangled together

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(boy is wanda, girl is y/n)

I smiled as I stretched my arms, that must have woken her up 'hej princezo' (hey princess) she said and I looked up to see her 'hey' I said and we slowly got up, it was dinner time so we walked over to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator 'where is everyone?' I asked 'friday, where is everyone?' Wanda asked Friday as she sat down 'everyone is at an mission' Friday answered 'we don't have any food so i'll go to the store and get some food real quickly, i'll be back in 20 minutes' I said but as I wanted to walk away Wanda stood in my way

'we could order pizza as an alternative' she said, I sighed 'Wanda, are you not letting me leave?' I asked, she looked at me 'it's for safety' she said and I chuckled 'I can protect myself' I said as I wanted to walk past her, she did not let me, she grabbed my waist firmly I looked at the ground in front of me 'not yours, Tony would like to avoid the possibility of another incident' she said and paused 'until, we know your powers are under control' she said and I looked up at her

I lifted my head like she always does 'and what do you want?' I asked 'for people to see, as I do' she answered and I swallowed the salvia that build up in my throat, she lifted her arm that she didn't use to keep me against her and brought it to my face, grabbing my chin, suddenly she looked confused at me 'what?' I asked 'your eyes, they flashed, from purple to your normal eye color' she said 'well, what matters' I said as I tried to get out of her grip 'princezo, ti ne izlaziš napolje' (princess, you aren't getting outside) 'then pizza it is...' I muttered, we got to the living room and she ordered pizza 'let's watch a movie?' I asked and she nodded, the pizza soon arrived and we started eating while looking for a movie

-Wanda's pov-

we started the movie and I saw that y/n was getting tired 'tired?' I asked and she nodded, I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto me, her hand and head were on me chest as she was taking in my scent, she was slowly drifting off, I grabbed a blanket and put it over the both of us, my arm was around her waist protectively. The movie soon ended and I started a new one, as I was halfway in the mission I heard the Avengers come into the living room, I turned off the tv and looked at y/n, she was asleep

'where is y/n?' Nat asked 'she's sleeping here' I said and pointed at y/n, Nat looked and nodded 'any problems?' Steve asked 'nope, she only has headaches and is mostly tired' I said and he nodded, Tony and Bruce have left to go to the lab and finish what Ultron started 'i'm going to sleep here for tonight, I don't want to wake her' I said as everyone said goodnights 'okay Wanda, don't fall off' Steve joked and I laughed, everyone left and I turned off the light with my powers, then I also drifted off, slowly but surely I was asleep.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now