38. Frustration

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-Wanda's pov-

'love, wake up' I say and Y/n opens her eyes, I smile at her and she smiles back, then sits up and rubs her eyes while yawning, she has slept for a few good hours without getting interrupted, only she was turning and twisting

'what is wrong?' she asks 'it is dinner time' Nat says  I look at her and smile to myself, we get off of the bed and walk out of our room, Y/n walks as the last one and stumbles against the doorframe, I decide to let it slip and we walk to the dining room where she almost falls but covers it 

'finally' Tony groans 'someone didn't want to wake up' Nat jokes and Y/n slaps her arm weakly. Then sit down at the table and Clint puts down something 'so... pasta because I was tired' he says, chuckles and sits down. 

We all take our portions as we start eating, I keep checking y/n but she just stares at her food, eating small bites while her eyes are half closed, I lean to her 'love you gotta eat, it gives you strength' I whisper, she just gives me a smile and nods, she grabs her fork and stabs the pasta, then brings it to her mouth

does she still have eating problems? Nat thinks and I look at her 'so' Steve says as he claps in his hands, Y/n flinches, then shrinks into her chair and takes the attention of all of us 'sorry..' she says and sits up 'n/n are you okay?' Yelena asks 'yeah... yeah I am fine' she says definitely not Nat thinks while looking at me, I nod 

'don't worry I don't have eating problems anymore, I am just not hungry' she says 'like that you are not tired around 1AM?' Tony asks and she nods 'yeah, I don't need much sleep' she answers and nods 'it isn't healthy' Steve speaks up 

'being injected with some fluids isn't healthy so what matters a lack of sleep, I have to find out what the red room has done these past years' she says, we all shake our heads as she stands up 

'I left all those little kids there, Eliana, Everleigh, Claire and Piper for example, I left them when they were eight, fucking eight! When I was there I did all the things I could and defended them against madam B, or Dreykov!' she says, I look at her pupils who are having tears in their eyes, she must be speaking facts. I look back at her.

'and there are more and more children who probably have those fluids in their bodies and I am responsible for that, I have brought those ingrediënts to Dreykov!' she says, I look back at her pupils who look scared and hurt, I look at Yelena and nod my head to the girls, she notices it and quickly walks over to the girls 

'we are a team, you don't have to do everything alone!' Steve says, standing up 'I created this, you all didn't, I need to fix it' she says while pointing at herself. He shakes his head in disapprovement, so do the others. 

'Y/n' Clint says 'I don't need to hear the bullshit, I need to find EVERYTHING, I need to know it' she says and walks away from the table, walking back and forth in frustration, she is freaking out, suddenly she looks at us and her eyes start flashing purple like crazy (have anyone seen Descendants 2? Like that scene in Jay and Carlos's room where Mal is going crazy and her eyes are flashing green, I am having that scene in my head) 

'woah, woah, woah' Nat says who rushes over to her 'it is okay' she says grabbing Y/n's waist, pulling her against her, I also stand up and stand next to them, grabbing Y/n's chin to let her look at me 'you are okay' I say and she sighs, looking down. 

As she looks up she shakes her head and walks out 'n/n!' we shout after her but she walks faster 'what now?' Everleigh asks 

'you girls don't have to worry, I know you all are also having a bad time with handling everything but this it isn't the fault of any of you. Y/n is an over thinker and she is having a rough time now knowing her new powers, that Duco is still alive and how much information there is left from the red room' Nat says to the girls 

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now