21. Widows

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-Next day (y/n's pov)-

I was sitting in the kitchen as Wanda was making breakfast, we left Nat sleeping because she was tired last night 'do you want pancakes?' she asks 'sure' I say as I look up at her, smiling, she goes to work but suddenly I feel two strong arms around my waist, a chin laying on my shoulder 'morning' I say 'morning' Nat says with her morning voice, she groans afterwards

god her morning voice 'I know' Wanda says as she turns around 'what?' Nat asks 'mind' I remind her as I point to my head, she groans again 'it's not fair, you two can communicate with your mind and I can't' she pouts, I grab a grape and put it into her mouth 'you are a dangerous trained assassin, Wanda isn't so shush' I say and they both laugh 'but you are both' Nat pouts but I just laugh.

Wanda puts the pancakes on three plates and gives two to me and Nat, Nat sits down next to me and we start to eat 'do we have a meeting today?' I ask 'yeah we actually do, Fury wants to talk about something, probably boring stuff' Nat says and I chuckle 'when does he talk about interesting things' I say 'never' Wanda answers and I chuckle

'fair point, do you two know how Audrey and Hela are?' I ask 'why'd ask?' Nat asks, looking at me, Wanda also looks at me 'well, I haven't heard or seen them in weeks and I want to see what they've became' I say 'you aren't seeing them.' Nat says sternly, looking back at her pancakes 'why not?!' I ask 'don't you remind how Hela controlled you by saying some words?' Nat says 'yeah, I know, but she won't, I just want to see them' I pout 'no, not happening' they both say and I groan 'ugh' I say as I stand up, walking towards the exit 'where do you think you are going?' Wanda asks 'somewhere' I say as I start to walk again

'y/n' I hear Nat warn, I stand still in the hallway and don't react 'draga...' I hear Wanda's warning voice 'I am going to train' I shout as I run to my room, I quickly change and get to the training room, I start with pull-ups and push-ups, I am going quickly until Friday starts speaking 'emergency meeting' she repeats, I quickly stand up and jog to the meeting room, everyone is there, I fix my ponytail 'there is a threat, there are red room agents trying to kill this person, this is Cheng Aiguo, he is a wealthy rich man who is in danger, you are flying to Washington, get in the jet, your suits are already there' Fury commands and we quickly get to the quinjet, I get into my suit and stand ready to fight, we land in Washington

'they are splitted up, they are first sighting the target and then handling' I explain 'we can't stand out, they'll tell Dreykov' Nat says and I nod in agreement, we start to split up as I am alone, I am walking around as I know where Aiguo is, I suddenly see an agent 'press the agents to the park, there we can surround them' I hear Cap in my earpiece 'copied' I say and the others also say it, I fly up to the agent who is distracted as she is looking through her scope

I sneak up on her and grab the sniper in a smart way, she turns around and looks at me, she tries to click on her earpiece but I quickly grab her arms as I throw away the sniper, she tries to fight me but I use my powers to overpower her, I grab both her arms as I cuff them and get off of the building with her, to the park, some of the others are there and I throw her next to the others 'она подкралась ко мне' (she just snuck up on me) she said

'вы не слушали, вы были слишком сосредоточены, глядя в прицел, вы могли бы легко услышать, как я приземлился' (you weren't listening, you were too concentrated at looking through your scope, you could've easily heard me land) I say and they all look at me, then the others come with more agents 'so what are your intentions, why are you trying to kill Cheng?' Tony asks them, they stay silent, I walk towards Tony and motion for him to stand back

'вы, девочки, лучше начните говорить, ваш босс не будет очень рад, если узнает, что мстители забрали некоторых из его лучших вдов' (you girls better start talking, your boss won't be really happy if he would know that the avengers had taken some of his best widows) I say 'заткнись' (shut the fuck up) a blonde haired one says, I raise my eyebrow and walk towards her, I crouch down 'ты должен следить за своим ртом, я не тот, кто здесь связан' (you should watch your mouth, I am not the one here tied up)  I say as I hear Nat and Steve snicker, I stand back up as she looks at me 'мы заказаны' (we're ordered) an widow says, they all turn to her 'от Дрейкова?' (by Dreykov?) I ask, they look confused

'Девочки, неужели вам все объяснили, как защититься, как надо слушать и смотреть в прицел?!' (do you girls really have everything explained, how to defend yourself, how you have to listen and look while looking through your scope?!) I say, my patience is up so I walk to Wanda 'my patience is up, can you get the serum from the jet, you are the fastest when you fly' I ask, she nods, then quickly leaves, I turn back to the widows and they look at me 'девочки вы меня знаете?' (do you girls know me?' I ask 'сбежавшая вдова' (escaped widow) one answers 'точно' (exactly) I say

'babe' I hear Wanda's voice, I turn around and she has some of the serum 'thanks' I say as I give her a kiss on her cheek, I turn to the widows and walk to them 'we need more of the serum, Bruce, as we are back, can you make more?' I ask before starting to free the widows from Dreykov 'yeah I can' Bruce answers

'I wouldn't do that if I were you' I hear a voice, everyone of us turns around, a robot kind of is standing in front of us, I had freed five widows by now 'Clint, bring the freed ones to the jet!' I command and Clint takes them, I stand in front of them 'why not?!' I say, the rest is standing ready to attack, the robot looks directly at me, then I realise something, this is their whole plan

'oh my god' I mutter as I mentally face palm 'what is wrong' I hear Steve 'they aren't after Cheng, they are after us' I mutter, the whole team heard me, the robot starts to attack me and I fall back, suddenly the widows are behind me break out of the cuffs 'fuck' I say as two grab me, my team turns to us as they start to attack the widows, trying to free me, I manage to attack one of the widows but the other quickly defends the other 'Дрейков хочет тебя видеть' (Dreykov wants to see you) the one behind me says 'и я не хочу' (and I don't want to) I say as I break free from her, I jump away and start to attack with my powers, I blast them on the left one and she flies back

I turn my head quickly to see the robot approach me, I quickly blast my powers at it as it stumbles, trying to walk through it, I start to get angry and my eyes flash purple, my powers grow stronger and the widows start to retreat, the robot soon does too, I stop to blast my powers at is as it out of my sight, I sigh as I turn to my team, my eyes are still flashing because of my panting 'y/n calm down' Wanda says as she realises my eyes, she walks towards me and so does Nat, they start to calm me down and my eyes stop flickering 'good girl' Nat whispers and I turn to my team 'how many have we saved?' I ask 'five' Bruce answers

'that is half of the team that was here' I answer 'let's get back' Steve says and we walk back to the jet, Clint is helping the widows with their wounds 'ты в порядке?' (are you okay?) I ask them they nod, we fly back and help them to medbay, Fury is waiting for us 'report?' he asks Steve, Steve looks at me

'we had surrounded the widows in the park as I realised that this was their plan, they weren't after Cheng, they were after us, there was a robot, he was strong, but we were stronger, we freed half of them but the others had escaped, the robot has too' I explain and Fury nods and we walk away.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now