36. Laser Eyes

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-Y/n's pov (one week later)-

Last week went pretty fast, when we arrived that day at the compound Bruce removed the chip as Tony looked through some of the information, it was a lot so he didn't check it in one day. They checked me to make sure that I was telling the truth and that I was myself again.

I trained much with my pupils with help from other Avengers and sometimes they would train with Yelena. Yet my nights has been weird.


'I never cared for you!'I shout as Wanda lays bloodied onto the floor, I look to my left as Duco is smirking, Wanda's teary eyes look up at me, pleading, I only chuckle

My eyes dart open as I wake up in my girlfriend Nat's arms, her arms tightly around my waist as her head is snuggled in my neck, I untangle myself from her and try to catch my breath, I was in fact, panting. 

I haven't told anyone yet but I am sleeping really bad and keep waking up really early, I know it isn't healthy but I can't help it, I keep waking up because of nightmares and then I can't sleep

As usual it is still early because I don't hear any sounds. Wanda is still asleep and she isn't bloodied, I  look at both of my girlfriends who are still asleep, I look at my clock '3AM, great..' I say, I turn to my closet and change into some clothes

I get out of my room and gently walk to the front door, I get out and start running for a bit, to clear my head and waste time. At 5:23AM I get back inside the compound, still everyone is asleep which is pretty normal

I get to the kitchen and open the refrigerator, I find yogurt, fruit and some syrup (do people use syrup in their yogurt? Or is it just a dutch thing? XD) 

I start making my breakfast, I grab my bowl and walk to the office as I scoop my yogurt. I enter the office and put down my bowl, I sit down and put on my pc, holograms around it.

I take a quick look at everything and how much I am gonna work with today and speed walk to my room, I gently open the door to see both my girlfriends still asleep, I change into comfy clothes and get back to the office. 

I sit down in my chair and start looking through the files of the Red Room, looking at some documents of the widows.

When it is around 8AM I find a file  'Y/n Aliana Dreykov... That... must be me?' I mutter and open it, I see many things about me, my strengths, my abilities but when I look at the section powers there are much more things I didn't know about what according to Dreykov I have. I look through it 'morning!' a voice says that gets me out of my concentration 'hey Elly' I say

'what are you doing?' she asks 'looking through the files of the red room, we have much to investigate' I explain and she looks onto my screen 'isn't that you?' she says confused 'yup, didn't know for example that I have laser eyes, gotta be careful with that one' I chuckle, she chuckles with me.

'can we train today?' she asks and I nod 'I have to finish this part so maybe you should get some breakfast, I assume you haven't had it yet?' I say and she nods

'i'll see you in the training room in one hour okay?' I ask 'yeah okay!' she says and leaves, I continue to look at the files 'morning Y/n!' I hear a voice, I groan and look up, it is Yelena 'hey Lena' I say and look back at my screen

'whatcha doing?' she asks 'working' I say and let my computer scan through the documents, I lean back and lay my feet on my desk 'so, I came here to ask you if you want to train today' she says

'I am going to train with Elly in one hour, we can ask the other pupils and we can train together?' I suggest 

'good idea, I am gonna get breakfast and see you in one hour' she says 'go for it Lena' I say and chuckle, she gives me the finger guns and walks out, suddenly there is a notification, I click on it and look at it, it is news from Shield

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