42. Mr. De Luca

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'hey' I say and turn to her 'you are that avenger, aren't you?' she asks 'If you mean the new addition to the team, yeah that is me' I say and chuckle lightly 'yeah it is you... I am Stefania, nice to meet you' she says and laughs

'I am Y/n, nice to meet you too!' I say and shake her hand but she pulls me towards her and wraps her arm around my waist

'And what are you doing here all alone... Y/n?' She says what sends shivers down my spine 'enjoying the party' I say, she leans closer 'jesus... you are hotter than on tv' she says, her lips brushing over mine, I blush and smile 'thank you' I say, and she smiles, pulling a bit away 

'you wanna dance?' she asks and I nod, she bites her lower lip and drags me by my arm to the dance floor, I quickly scan the crowd to look for my girlfriends, as I sight them I see them fuming but trying to keep it to themselves

Then Stefania leans forward 'you know... many people want to dance with me... you should be lucky' Stefania says as her hand holds my chin so I look at her

Her lips are once again brushing over mine as she is talking, I chuckle 'I guess then I am really lucky' I say 'yes you are...' she mutters and smashes her lips on mine, I taste the alcohol on her lips

I feel the tension and the glares, it is going according to plan, as we both pull away she smirks 'would you father like it when he knows that you've kissed an avenger?' I tease and her arm goes tighter around my waist 'he wouldn't dare to say anything' she says and I smile. 

She then leans towards my ear 'stay tonight' she whispers what sends shivers down my spine 'o-okay' I stutter, she smiles and we start dancing again. We keep getting more and more drinks as I get tipsy, once in a while I glance at my team.

Soon the party dies and many guests leave, Stefania insisted me to stay and I have no idea what to do. I walk into the toilets and a few moments later Nat and Wanda come walking in 'hey' I whisper and they look at me, both of them smile, I look at the toilet stalls (it is like a school toilets but fancy... idk)

No one is inside, I quickly walk over to them and give them a kiss on their lips 'that is much better' I say as I look at them, they smile and Nat wraps her arm around my waist 'how is it going?' Wanda says 

'well, she is really clingy being with me if you know what I mean, she is constantly on my side and asked me to stay tonight' I say 'no, that is not happening' Nat says 'why not?' I ask

'you want to sleep with her?' Wanda who stands in front of me, her eyes flash red for a moment 'no, but the mission is that I have to gain her trust' I say 'say that you have an important meeting tomorrow, you ain't sleeping with her' Nat says 

'but N-' I say but Wanda pushes her lips on mine, shutting me up 'no fighting, you are coming home' she orders and I just nod, then leave the bathroom and get back to Stefania 'hey, what took you so long?' she asks 

'there was a line, hey about that staying tonight, I have an important meeting tomorrow so I can't' I say 'oh but that isn't a problem, my chauffeur can bring you' she insists with a smile.

-Nat's pov-

I walk over to Steve 'the girl had asked Y/n to stay but Y/n isn't gonna stay' I say and he looks at her 'why not?!' he says 'she isn't gonna sleep with that girl, Wanda and I don't allow it, I am sorry but she is my girlfriend' I hiss 

'didn't you think about that goddamn mission, she has to gain the trust!?' Steve says furious, we quickly walk to a safe spot 'Y/n, stay for the night, make some excuse that you can stay' Steve says 'oh, yeah that is also an idea, I need to be back at like eleven am' I hear Y/n in my earpiece 'that is amazing' I hear that girls voice squeal ew what an annoying voice

'good!' Y/n answers and I don't hear her in my earpiece again 'saved that one though' Steve says and I punch him 'she is still my girlfriend and I won't allow it, neither does Wanda' I say 'Steve! Are you crazy?!' I hear Wanda in my earpiece 

'yes, she has to gain the trust of the girl so she is gonna stay' Steve says 'isn't that risky?' Sam says over his earpiece 'she should keep contact with us' Peter says 

'she will, guys. We are leaving, the party is dying and we can get recognized by now, get to your cars and leave' Steve says and I nod. I get into my car with Wanda and we quickly drive away 'I am still not with the plan that Y/n is still there' Wanda says 'me too but Steve said she would be fine' I answer. 

Soon we arrive back at the compound 'Y/n, everything alright?' I hear Steve in my earpiece 'all right' she says 'look, I told you' Steve says.

-Y/n's pov-

'let me introduce you to my father' Stefania suddenly says 'uhm, is that a good idea?' I ask nervously 'yeah, of course!' she says, wraps her arm around my waist and we approach the boss 

'father, this is Y/n Y/l/n, the avenger I told you about, she is the one' Stefania says and I smile, giving her father a handshake 'nice to meet you, sir' I say politely 

'nice to meet you too, Avenger!' he says and I chuckle 'she is the one, I want her. I've chosen' Stefania says 'are you sure, my daughter?' he says 

'yeah! look, hot, cute, sweet, polite, powerful, she can do everything, she has the charms and can protect me!' Stefania says and I blush from the compliments 'do you like my daughter?' he then asks me 

'your daughter is a very beautiful girl so there isn't a single cell in me that would say that I wouldn't like her' I say and he smirks look I told my daughter to choose someone to marry on this party, you are the once she chose. If you marry my daughter I will give you two the company when I retire, how does that sounds?' he says 'that sounds really good, but are you sure?' I ask 

'yeah. The only things I ask is safety and love for my daughter. Can you do that? Do you care about my daughter, will protect her and love her?' he asks 'I've met your daughter just a few hours ago, she is a beautiful girl and I really like her but may I have some time to think, I really like the offer but I am scared I will hurt your daughter in any way when I can't give her my love' I say and he nods in aprovement. 

'you are a wise woman, stay here for a few days and you can decide when you want to. How does that sound?' he asks 'sounds as a good plan, mr. De Luca but I have a meeting tomorrow, after the meeting I can come back, perhaps?' I say and he nods 

'that is a good idea, you have to do your work though' he says and I chuckle 'let's go, i'll show you around the house' Stefania says and grabs my arm, entangling our fingers 

'i'll see you around, Y/n!' Alessandro says 'yes! See you around, mr. De Luca!' I shout and Stefania pulls me to a corridor, she starts touring me around the massive house. 

'Stef this is amazing' I say in awe, as I turn to her she is smiling with a blush on her face 'what?' I ask 'you called me Stef' she says and I realise I did and laugh 'yeah, yeah I did' I say and chuckle 'you know it is pretty late we should get to bed' I say as I see Stefania stumble against the wall 

'and you are a bit drunk' I say and chuckle, she shakes her head 'I am not drunk' she says and I laugh 'of course you are' I say and grab her hand 'so where was your room again?' I ask and we walk through a corridor, we arrive at a room and get inside 

'get changed and into your bed i'll look for some painkillers' I say as I let go of her hand and walk to I think her bathroom, I open the door and it is a bathroom. I walk towards the cabinets and open them but I find not painkillers but guns 'oh...' I mutter and close the cabinet door, I look in an another one and there are the painkillers. 

I grab them and grab a glass of water, I quickly walk back into the bedroom and see Stefania laying in bed, looking at me 'here' I say and hand her the pills and the water 'can I borrow some of your clothes?' I ask and she nods, I smile and walk over to her walk-in closet there hella rich

I grab a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and quickly change into them. I walk out of the closet and she is already laying in her bed 'hey, where can I sleep?' I ask 'here' she says and opens her arms.

That's when I hesitate god am I going to do this? I ask myself in my mind, I need to keep up with the mission. I chuckle and walk over to her, getting under the covers. She scoots over to me and wraps her arms securely around my waist 'goodnight Stef' I say 'goodnight, darling' she says and I close my eyes, drifting off to sleep. 

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now