17. Princess

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-Wanda's pov-

we were on our way to the headquarters of Hydra, getting y/n back, we were ready to fight and Tony was already ahead of us, looking around for an possible way inside 'guys I see the entrance' Tony said in our ear 'look around, are there many guards?' Steve asked 'no, barely any guards' Tony answered, my hands were shaking, Nat came sitting next to me 'we will get her, don't worry' she said and hugged me 'thanks Nat' I said and she smiled

we landed near the base and got out of the jet, we covered with a special button (idk if its a real thing) we quickly walked to the entrance of the base 'okay, Sam look for a path, Rhodes, Tony follow Sam inside

-y/n's pov-

I was being brought to my cell while Hela was walking with an device in her hand 'wait' Hela said and the man who was escorting me stopped, Hela showed me a view from the camera 'look who've came to join our little party' she said and I saw the Avengers no... shit! I thought, I looked up at her and she motioned for the guy to escort me back

I got thrown into my cell while Audrey got in, I stumbled back to my bed and she just smiled, turned on a tv and got on my bed 'please stay away from me...'I mumbled but she just laid down, pulling me to her by my waist, she pulled me between her legs but I squirmed

'puppy don't squirm' she said as she grabbed my neck, I stopped and she laid my head on her chest, then she started a movie, the movie was boring, I was only staring out of my cell

I hoped that they knew what they were doing because if they don't, they are fucked, I heard faint noise and Audrey heard them too 'stay here puppy' she said as she walked to the door and it magically opened for her, then closed after, she clicked a button and I met the darkness, it was like they just could hide me in the walls, I sighed as I was happy that she was gone.

-Wanda's pov-

'Guys you can get safely inside' I heard Tony's voice and we got inside, we were carefully walking around until we saw a big area, people walked around 'we are outnumbered' Steve whispered 'Tony, do a check of the people, look if you see anyone that can cause serious trouble, Sam, use your drone to look around for possible escapes, weaknesses and you know it. Nat and Clint, get to the security room and look everywhere' Steve ordered and I saw the assigned people split up, Sam sat down next to me

Steve, Rhodes, Peter, Sam, Bruce, Thor, Vision and I were looking around, we were at a top layer of the basis and I was trying to find y/n 'we are in the security room' I heard Nat's voice 'check everything, look if you sight y/n' I heard Tony's voice 'on it' I heard Clint's voice, I was shaking, I need to get her back, we need to get her safe

'she is in a dark room, I think it is a cell' I heard Clint's voice, I looked down and saw Audrey walking, she walked towards an wall 'Audrey is walking towards an wall...' I muttered to Steve and he looked, she stood in front of it and the wall opened 'there is light in y/n's cell' Nat muttered 'Audrey just opened a wall, do you see Audrey on the cameras?' I asked Nat, Audrey disappeared in the wall, then it closed

'she just entered y/n's cell' Nat said 'this is going too easy...' I heard Sam mutter, I looked at him 'I am going down' I said as I started to get up, Steve quickly grabbed my arm 'no you won't' he said, I looked at him 'I need to save her, Steve don't you understand, I love her, I can't lose her' I said and he looked at me, I quickly covered my mouth with my hand

'did Wanda just say that she loves y/n?' I heard Tony in my ear 'shut it' I hissed and heard Nat laugh 'Nat, I swear to god' I said and she stopped laughing 'there are agents here!' I heard Clint say and then his talking was followed with grunts and fighting sounds 'we handled them but I think they know we are here' Nat said

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now