31. Lies

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-Next day (Y/n's pov)-

I wake up late in the morning because of Friday 'miss y/l/n you are asked to come to the office' she says 'ugh, thanks friday' I say and quickly change into my clothes, I rush to the office and look at all the Avengers standing there

'morning' I say and walk to my desk 'morning' Nat says and gives me a kiss on my cheek, I just flash her a smile, I am tired so I just sit in my chair 'what is so urgent?' I ask as I look to Tony 'we think we've found the location' he starts, I stand up 'really?!' I ask, a little too excited 'yeah, come' he says and I rush over to his desk, I look on his computer

'no, no it isn't there' I say as I see the complete wrong place. I need this mission to be done as soon as possible I think, I walk over to my desk and grab some paper, then put something on my computer, everyone looks at me as I try to look concentrated, I write a few things onto the paper and then writes it down on my computer, I come up with an location 'it is here' I say and turn to them

'how are you sure?' Steve asks 'the last ingrediënt is tears from an Neverbird, these birds are storven out so there is nothing more, because there is such an short amount of the tears they are highly secured by the government, if Wanda, Nat and I go to the base and retrieve it we can put it into safety before the red room gets it into their hands' I explain and they nod in agreement 'how do we come there?' Wanda asks

'quinjet, we need to cover it or else we will get attention, this base is located in...' I say and look at my screen 'Georgia' I say and turn to them 'good thinking, love' Wanda says and I nod 'when should we leave?' I ask 'we need to ask Fury, at lunch you will know more information' Tony says as he leaves with Steve, I turn back to my computer and close my eyes, I sent the information to Dreykov and open my eyes again

Nat is standing in front of me 'oh jesus' I say as I startle 'are you okay?' she asks 'just tired' I say, that wasn't a lie, I was actually tired, as I chuckle she smiles 'i'll be fine, Nat' I say and she nods, then leaves, this will be a long day...

luckily I hear my father's voice in my head 'good job y/n, Duco will be there tonight, he will sneak in as you open the doors, with his powers he can turn invisible so he can sneak in with you' he says 'good, please let this mission be over as soon as possible, I am getting tired of being nice to them' I say in my head, I hear him laugh 'I understand, you can let go of the act a little bit, having a bit fun messing with them you know. I'll see you tonight' he says 'see you tonight' I say and focus on my work


As we sit at the table Fury comes in 'good work, y/l/n' he says 'thanks' I say 'Romanoff, Maximoff, Y/l/n, at 8PM you'll take off to Georgia for the mission, make sure you don't get tricked and get the ingrediënt save back, I will bring it to an Shield base where it is more secure than by the government' he says 'we will' Natasha says and I have a slight smirk which I hide due helding my head low no you won't I think and look up at them 'y/l/n, any additions?' Fury asks 'no, great plan' I say, releasing my russian accent.

-Nat's pov-

how did y/n know that the ingrediënt was tears from a Neverbird? I think as I look up, Wanda looks at me, she heard my thoughts 'y/n how did you know that the last ingrediënt was tears from that bird?' Wanda asks, y/n looks at her being silent for a moment, Wanda tilts her head 'we already knew that right?' she says 'no, we knew they were looking for something that Dreykov was desperate for, we didn't know that it were tears from a bird' Tony says 

'well than it is just basic thinking, tears from Neverbirds contain special abilities, it allows the injected subject to them to see better when it is activated. For example, looking in the dark, being able to see through walls or being able to see more through the scope and their flexibility will improve, when somethings moves in the slightest corner of their eye they even can see it' she explains, I look at her, trying to read if she is lying or not, but she looks confident 'but what if it isn't the ingrediënt?' Steve asks 'it is, trust me, I grew up knowing Dreykov' she says with a slight smirk on her face, she is confident 

'do you know things that we don't know?' Fury says, walking closer to y/n 'all I did was logic thinking, in our database was standing that the tears were in an government base, Tony looked up an abandoned hydra base' she says, she knows too much  Wanda looks at me and nods that she agrees with me, I look at y/n, she looks confident 'check her up' he commands and turns around 

'what, why?' y/n asks 'you know too much, that isn't possible' Fury says, y/n stands up, slamming her hands on the table 'that is possible, everyone in this room could have thought about this, it is logic thinking!' y/n defends, clearly frustrated 'well clearly we didn't, I also grew up with Dreykov and couldn't have discovered this' I say, she still looks confident between me Fury, she stays silent for a while 'I know Dreykov as the palm of my hand, trust me on this one' she says and directs her gaze back on Fury

'and even if you have nothing to hide you wouldn't defend yourself' Fury says and looks at her, she sighs 'if there was something wrong with me I would know it, I defend myself because I find it bullshit to waste my time at some sort of check-up' she defends, the others stand up 'what happened to y/n' Steve says looking at Y/n, she tangles her fingers in her hair because of her frustration 

'she is right here, there is nothing wrong with me!' she says and looks at us all, Wanda then opens her hand and her powers lay in it, Y/n sees it and her eyes flash purple for a second, Wanda looks at y/n 

'tsk, what little trust do you guys have in me' she says and walks a bit away 'what?' Tony says 'Wanda was about to use her powers on me, when I would defend myself you all would've attacked me, you said you wouldn't hurt me anymore' she said and Wanda closes her hands 'we would never hurt our y/n'  Wanda says 'oh, I am your so called "our y/n" I changed and this y/n... Is just harder to kill' she says and leaves 'that isn't our y/n' Fury says 'we all know' Steve says 'go on that mission with her but look out for traps, she could be someone else trying to act like y/n' Fury orders and we nod

-Skip to 7:45PM (y/n's pov)-

'we will  be there at like 8:30PM, if you stand outside you can sneak with us inside' I whisper in my phone 'good job princess' Duco says, then my door burst open, I quickly hang up and look at the door 'Wanda?' I say confused, she looks at me and tilts her head 'no nickname?' she says 'oh sorry princess' I say mocking her voice 'let's just go' I say and walk over to my closet, grab my suit and walk to my door, trying to walk past her she grabs my shoulders pushing me against the wall 

'what the hell is wrong with you?' she says in a stern voice 'nothing, don't worry' I say and flash her a smile, her eyes flash red for a second and I block my mind 'don't block your mind from me' she snarls 'no' I say and her hand moves to my throat 'don't.' she says stern, cutting my air off, I grab her arm and pull it off of me, then push her a bit away 'we won't hurt you' I say mocking her voice 'yeah, sure' I say and walk out of the room towards the jet.

I get in and open my phone, a text from Duco



Why did you hang up?

Wanda burst in to my room trying to discover what is wrong with me, this afternoon I had an argument with Fury in front of everyone, they think there is something wrong with me but I just brushed it off saying that I don't want to go waste my time on something while nothing is wrong with me


understandable, keep the injections in your pockets for Maximoff and Romanoff. Well I'll see you soon, princess<3


I'll do it, see you soon<3

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now