28. Curing

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-The Next Day-

I slowly open my eyes, Natasha's arms tightly around my waist, my head snuggled into her chest, Wanda's hands in my hair and their whispers waking me up. Once in these last months I felt happy, happy that we haven't broken up, happy to be with them. I look up at Nat, she is focussed on Wanda who is talking about something, I am too sleepy to hear what they're saying so I just stir and yawn

'morning beautiful' Nat says and peppers my face with kisses 'morning' I groan, I turn to my other girlfriend and she grabs my chin gently to give me a kiss 'where were you talking about?' I ask as I lay back on my back 'nothing important' Wanda says and I just hum 'come, let's get food!' Nat says scooping me from the bed, I yelp as she picks me up 'I just woke upppp' I pout but she just laughs, Wanda is behind us and laughs with us

We walk into the kitchen as Nat sets me down on the counter, giving me a kiss before turning to the refrigerator 'y/n we are getting that drugs and blades out of your room' Steve says as he enters the room, I gulp, I don't want it to, I need it 'love you don't need it' Wanda says as she stands between my legs, looking into my eyes, I slowly nod 'under my bed in boxes, the b-blades are in my drawer in my bathroom...' I say and she gives me a small smile 'okay' he says and leaves

'we should go train some, y/n your stamina is probably really bad' Nat says 'I know, we should do that defelentely before I get back onto missions' I say 'are you going to join us again?' Peter asks as he walks into the kitchen 'when my stamina is back on track I want to try, if y'all promise me not to hurt me' I joke 'we won't' the three say at the same time 'good' I say and chuckle, Natasha grabs bagels and toppings and start making food, during that I have a small talk with Wanda 'but why did you stay in your room?' she asks 'I was scared, scared you would yell at me or attack me again' I say 'and after that month y'all kept being bloody annoying so after I got my drugs I wanted to try it, turns out I've gone a little too far' I say, Nat turns around and gives me a plate 'a little?' she says, I raise my eyebrow at her

'Y/n we love you but that wasn't a little too far, if Wanda didn't stop you on that roof you would've died because you wanted to jump off of the building while being high' Nat says and stands between my legs 'welp' I say and chuckle softly, we eat our food and get changed, then get to the training room 'okay let's see what you've got' Nat says, we start combatting and I am really tired after only a few minutes 'come on y/n' Nat says as I get up, while panting I start to combat again with her, it is really tiring to do so while being such low on stamina, we train for a few good hours until it is lunch time

'how's training?' Tony asks as we walk into the dining room 'I am literally dead' I groan 'well that is something new, a zombie in the team' Peter jokes, I slap him on the back of his head, I walk to the kitchen and grab the plates where the done wraps are laying on and putting them in front of the Avengers

'how's training?' Tony asks as we walk into the dining room 'I am literally dead' I groan 'well that is something new, a zombie in the team' Peter jokes, I slap him on the back of his head, I walk to the kitchen and grab the plates where the done ...

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I also sit down as everyone has their food and we start eating 'so y/n, care to tell me why you were in your room non-stop last month?' Fury asks as he walks into the room, I gulp 'I uhm-' I say 'is that a bit inappropriate to ask in front of everyone?' Nat asks 'no Nat it is okay...' I say and look at Fury 'when we were on that mission to attack that agent we were chasing I lost control, the agent took control over my body and took me as his cover, the team didn't know this and because of the stress in my head I fled away, they went after me and I started fighting against them, scared of the consequences...' I pause to look at the team, they all look down ' then I fell off of a building while Bruce, uhm, punched me off of it, I fell through a wall and became scared of everyone, I only came out of my room at night because I didn't want to encounter anyone...' I say and gulp, then take a bite

'then I started using wheat, only it went wrong, when I snapped at y'all in that meeting, that isn't supposed to happen, normally I won't feel any emotions but then the only thing I felt was anger' I explain 'where is it now?' he asks 'ask Tony and Steve, they've handled it' I say and look at my food, he asks the boys where it is and Fury takes care of it, although his agents do it, he never does anything, only planning and bossing around.

'well I am happy you are back and trying to recover' Peter says 'me too' the others say, I look at my food blushing and smiling 'thanks, me too' I say and look at them all 'n/n are we gonna watch a movie after lunch?' Peter asks 'sure!' I say and he smiles, we finish lunch, clean up the table and move to the couch, the others join as we start to watch a movie, I lay against Nat while she has her arm around my waist, I am feeling protected again, I smile to myself as I know that I am home.

This goes on for a few weeks, after those weeks I feel a lot better and I've been on small missions, I am happy with Wanda and Natasha to my side and my friends supporting and curing me like they call it.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now