6. Party

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-y/n's pov-

I walked down the hall towards Wanda's room, the hall was dark and it kinda scared me, I didn't show that I was scared, never did after that shock experience in the Red room.

I knocked onto her door 'come in' I heard Wanda's voice, I opened the door, it was dark in her room 'Wanda?' I said but I didn't saw her, I got into the room but the door closed behind me, following by a lock sound, I spinned around and saw Wanda, her eyes were red as fire 'Wanda?' I asked backing away

'so, how was it with Natasha?!' Wanda asked 'what, what do you mean?' I asked 'I saw you both exit your room' she said, coming closer to me, I backed away but hit the wall behind me 'Wanda your eyes... why are your eyes red...' I asked, I held my hands in front of me, ready to defend myself, she didn't respond but kept walking, fear rose in myself as she put both her hands next to my head, her eyes still as red as before 'Wanda you are scaring me..' I said and her right hand cupped my cheek

'God y/n' she said and I was confused 'we should get downstairs' she said and I nodded 'Yeah, w-we should get back, t-the others are waiting' I stuttered oh my gosh y/n you are fucking stuttering I thought embarrassed 'it is cute' Wanda spoke up 'w-what?' I asked 'love, I can read your mind' Wanda said and I laughed 'let's go' she said and grabbed my hand 'promise me, don't be so scary' I muttered but she heard me and just laughed

We walked downstairs and had a small talk while walking 'finally' Tony said and we got into the room, I let go of her hand and we walked to our chairs 'I-' I said thinking of an excuse 'I had to find her, Wanda wasn't in her room' I quickly said and everyone got food on their plate, I was the last one and wanted to grab the cheese but couldn't grab it

Natasha quickly looked up and stood up, grabbing the cheese giving it to me, brushing her hand against mine 'thanks' I said and she gave me a smile, we all started eating, during dinner we all had small talks and suddenly I felt Wanda's hand on my thigh, it didn't bother me at all so I just continued to eat, I glanced to her but she was looking at Natasha, I looked over to Natasha who was zoned out, looking at me, I waved my hand and laughed, she shook her head and smiled, then continued to eat

'so y/n, was this what you expected?' Steve asked 'what do you mean?' I asked 'the Avenger life' he said 'oh, well no I didn't expect this' I said and laughed 'I thought after I escaped the red room that I would run at least a few years until they stop looking for me' I explained and they nodded 'what exactly can you do?' Thor asked 'uhm-' I said thinking, what if this is just an cover, maybe they will eliminate me afterwards...

'uhm just, just fighting..' I said and took a bite of my pasta, Bruce, Natasha and Wanda looked at each other, the others noticed this too, Wanda looked at me 'what are you all looking at?' I said nervous 'nothing else?' Natasha asked 'no, do I wanna know why your asking that?' I asked, Wanda kept looking at me 'you are a witch aren't you?' Wanda asked and I choked on my water 'no...' I said, they knew 'then how did you push Wanda and me away from you this afternoon?' Natasha asked, Wanda's hand disappeared and she stood up

shit shit shit shit 'strength' I said, I then stood up 'but uhm, thanks Clint' I said and quickly left the room 'okay...' I heard Tony say 'be at 9 P.M in the living room!' I heard him shout after 'I can't let them know about my powers, it will be a give away and maybe they will sent me back to the red room' I muttered in myself, I walked towards my room and got inside 'should I go?' I asked myself, looking at my outfit 'if they ask i'll just deny the question..' I decided and changed

By the time I was done it was 9:06 P.M so I was already late, I rushed downstairs and everyone was sitting on the couch 'oops..' I said and they all turned their heads, jaws dropping onto the floor, I walked over to one couch where only Clint was sitting on, everyone was still looking at me 'I am only 6 minutes late, that is a record' I said jokingly and they laughed, they were all not so comfortable and I was trying to cover up that I walked away during dinner

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now