45. Good Or Bad? (Finale)

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-Y/n's pov (Few weeks later)-

It has been peaceful, I am allowed outside because the Avengers nor Shield was near the mansion. I have attended many missions, meetings and have inherited already a bit of the mafia.

I walk around on my own and hum as someone lands in front of me and my eyes widen 'draga...' the girl says who is known as my girlfriend, or no... ex-girlfriend? Wanda Maximoff 'uhm...' I mutter and walk backwards but she grabs my hand

'why, why did you leave?' she asks and starts to tear up, I get my arm out of her grip and look at her 'why, love, I love you, why did you do this to me, to us?' she asks 'I left the Avengers' I say 'but why?' she asks

'reasons that I can't tell you, Wanda. I need to go' I say and turn around but she grabs my arm and pulls me towards her, her arms wrap around my waist and she holds me tight against her while sobbing into my neck, I don't know what to do.

'please don't do this to us, don't turn to the bad side because Nat was drunk...' she says 'wait what, she cheated, not my fault.' I say and she pulls away 'she got drugged and thought it was us' she says

'no...' I mutter and look around, I see Alejandro coming outside. She pulls away and kisses me deeply, I am shocked at first but quickly kiss back, I then pull away

'I got to go, Alejandro is coming outside' I say and run away from her 'hey!' I say 'hey Y/n!' he says.

-Y/n's pov (six months later)-

'how was that, mrs. De Luca?' the guy asks 'horrible, you are fired!' I say and point my gun at him and he quickly hurries out of the room 'hey love' I hear Stefania's voice who walks in after the man disappeared 'hey baby' I say and she gives me a kiss.

Stefania and I are married two months ago and we are happy together, well she is... I never lost my feelings for Wanda and Nat but I need to do this, this is the only way for me.

'the Avengers are still trying to get your attention' she says 'ugh, when do they stop' I groan 'how did they even manage to know that you were still alive?' she says 

'Wanda once came to me' I say 'and they probably have figured it out from my fighting skills' I say and she nods 'you want some more coffee?' she asks 'gladly' I say 'coming up, love' she says and walks away.

A few seconds later a few of my guards burst in 'we're being attacked!' they shout 'by who?!' I ask and stand up 'the Avengers, mrs. De Luca' they say and I groan 'god damn it!' I say and run to my wife 

'stay safe' I say and peck her lips, I quickly get out of my clothes and my suit is under it. I get downstairs and see my guards fight with the avengers, but there are also Shield agents, god there are many people...

I grab my gun and start shooting, I don't hit any of the agents or Avengers, just hitting around so it looks like I am fighting. But eyes fall on me, my secret is out and some people know that I am actually alive but I don't care anymore, I have my powers.

Wanda, Steve and Nat launch at me and try to fight me but guards defend me. Nat manages to get through them and pulls me away from the fight, she sets me against a wall and I just look at her with a smirk 'Y/n, come on, I know you are good' she says with a pleading voice.

'you know, it is your fault I am on this position, not that I not like it, it is amazing, being a boss... of the litteral mafia...' I say and chuckle 'come on, this isn't you... I want my sweet, innocent girl back, not this emotionless mafia girl' she says 'well, I don't' I say.

'I miss the girl you were' she says 'many will... She was easier to kill' I say and chuckle loudly 'get yourself together!' she then shouts and a hand wraps around my neck 'baby, look into my eyes' she says and I avoid eye contact, she puts pressure on my neck and I quickly look at her

'this isn't you, you are going to give us everything the mafia has so we can defeat them, you won't get arrested because you are helping us' she says, I look at my diamond ring that is on my left hand

'детка, послушай меня, пожалуйста, я люблю тебя, я так сильно тебя люблю, и в тот раз, когда ты меня увидел, я был под наркотиками, пожалуйста, пожалуйста...' (baby, listen to me, please, I love you, I love you so much and that one time you saw me, I was drugged, please, please...) she says and I sigh 'детка...' (baby...) I mutter and she gives me a soft smile 'пожалуйста...' (please) she mutters

'давай сделаем это!' (let's do this) I say and she smirks 'Это моя девушка!' (that's my girl!) she says and we rush back 'Y/n's on our team' Nat says and I look around, I grab my weapon and shoot the guards of the mafia 'you are in big trouble, young lady' Tony says 'I know' I say and give him a smirk, he laughs and slaps the back of my head.

'I am just kidding, let's do this' he says 'Nedostajao si mi, draga' (I missed you, my darling) she whispers 'I ti si meni nedostajao, dušo' (I missed you too, baby) I whisper back. 

'Y/n!' I hear Alejandro and I turn my head, he is standing there with Stef behind him, tears are stained on her cheeks. I am in the middle of all the Avengers and I gulp

'you got this baby' Nat mutters and I walk over to them, I pull of the ring that is matching with Stefania's. I then crack my fingers as I reach them 'I am sorry, it was nice while it lasted' I say and turn to the Shield agents before walking away 'arrest them!' I shout and walk back to my team who are cheering, Shield agents quickly arrest them

'traitor!' Alejandro shouts and I laugh 'never trust an Avenger, learn that from me!' I shout as he is taken away with Stefania 'Y/n!' she shouts but Wanda pulls me towards her and kisses me deeply, my cheeks become red and she pulls away while smiling

'I missed you, I love you so much, Y/n' she says and Nat steals me from her and also kisses me deeply, cheers are heard and I hear four voices that I know too well

'Y/N!' they shout and I turn to my pupils 'hey! Claire, Everleigh, Eliana and Piper! How are you guys?' I say and hug them 'we're good but we were so worried' they say

'I am so sorry' I say 'captain Y/l/n' Steve says and I stand up 'Rogers' I say and we chuckle 'good job, even though you had to go through many things that are horribly wrong, you've chose the right thing and saved New York once again!' he says and hugs me.

-The next day-

'Captain Y/l/n appears to be alive and arrested a whole mafia gang while acting like she was one of them, marrying the daughter of the biggest mafia boss Alejandro De Luca, taking over his gang before turning against them, making a risky move with the chance on getting killed' Nat reads out loud and I laugh 'cute' I say 'you really married that daughter?' Steve asks 'yup!' I say.

-Two years later-

Everything went well and I married my two current wives, Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Romanoff, we've decided to choose Nat's last name.

So, I am Y/n Romanoff. We have a adopted 7 year old daughter and her name is Alianovna Romanoff, named after Nat. We also have two boys, they're twins, Billy and Tommy Romanoff. We are a happy family and I am happy that I met these two amazing woman.

And that was it guys, I am really happy in how this turned out and I had much fun with writing this, now I am tired and I have a road trip tomorrow so I hope you guys enjoyed it so please vote! (I might write some smut in between but I can't guarantee you)

Love y'all!

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now