43. What...

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-Next day-

A soft hand is stroking my hair as I am slowly waking up, as I open my eyes and notice that I am laying on Stefania's chest, she is humming softly 'morning' I say with a hoarse voice 'morning, darling' she says and kisses the top of my head. God this is weird... 

We lay there for a bit 'should we get breakfast, you have that meeting and I don't want you coming late' she says and I nod, we get up from the bed and she walks towards her closet, I just sit on the bed while I wait for her. 

A few seconds later she comes back into the bedroom and gives me a pair of sweatpants and a crop top, I get to the bathroom and change into the clothes, they are really comfortable 'Y/n, you done yet?' I hear Stefania say 

'yes!' I say and get out of the bedroom, she is also changed. Stefania grabs my hand and intertwine our fingers, we then leave her bedroom and get downstairs, maids are cleaning up the place as we enter the dining room 

'James we want to eat!' Stefania shouts and a male comes out of a room 'the food is ready, mrs. De Luca' he says and we sit down at the table, a few seconds later the man comes back and places the food in front of us 

'we can leave around 10:15 if you want?' Stefania suggests 'yeah sure then I'll be on time' I say and give her a smile, she then lays her hand on mines and strokes it with her thumb 

'the second I saw you, I knew that you needed to be mine, please give me a chance' she says and I look at her and smile 'of course, Stefania' I say and she smiles. When we finish dinner we have to leave so we head to the front door 'I'll come with you on the ride' she says and I give her a smile 'sure!' I say and we get into the car, driving away. During the drive she makes sure that she has my number. 

We arrive in 20 minutes and I step out of the car, Stefania is following 'tell your father the party was amazing' I say to her, she smiles and wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me close 'I'll do, beautiful' she says and kisses me I hope Wanda and Nat doesn't see this. She pulls away and I sigh in my head in relief 

'I gotta head inside' I say and she laughs 'text me!' she says and I smile and get inside, when she is out of my sight I shake my body, I get into the living room 'guys I am back!' I shout and people stand up 'there you are!' Steve says 'how went it?' Nat asks, in her voice is heard that she isn't with the plan 

'yeah, it went okay, I don't really like it' I say and shrug, Wanda walks over to me and wraps her arm around my waist, I feel safe immediately and lean into her 'did you like kissing her?' she asks, venom dripping from her voice while her sokovian accent is heard 'nope' I say and chuckle 

'tell us how it went' Tony says and I sit down on the couch, both my girlfriends on my sides, Wanda in the corner as I lean against her and Nat on my other side, her hand is resting on my thigh

'okay so, Stefania, that daughter, she was over the top the second that I was talking to her, well you've saw everything while the party was going on but after the party we didn't do much. I talked to her father and look, he gave me a deal, he told me that the man or woman who marries his daughter will gets the company when he retires' I say and smirk 

'that is amazing, they're trusting you' Steve says and I nod 'yeah, they really are, they asked me to stay there to choose so I am going back for a few days and stay at theirs, there I will hack into Alejandro's computer and look into his files' I explain

Then Wanda's grip around my waist is tightening, I turn to her and put my hand on her cheek 'love it is okay' I whisper to her and she relaxes under my touch. 

We train and work for a bit before I have to leave again, I text Stefania that I am quickly changing and will be on my way. I quickly change.

 I give Wanda and Nat a kiss before stepping into my car and driving away.

In fifteen minutes I arrive at the mansion and the guards let me in, Stefania walks outside and I get out of my car, she walks towards me and gives me a peck on the lips 'I missed you' she says and I laugh 

'I missed you too, Stef' I say and we walk inside 'good to see you again, Y/n!' I see Alejandro 'you too, Alejandro!' I say and he walks into his office 'let's walk outside, the weather is amazing!' she says and I nod in agreement, we walk outside and it is really fun.

-Time skip, two days-

Being with Stefania isn't that bad, she is really sweet and beautiful but I have two amazing girlfriends. Her mafia team is also pretty nice to me, they act like they are just a company and not a mafia gang but I know everything 

'let's go to the club tonight!' Stefania says as we walk outside 'sure!' I say and chuckle, we get back inside and start preparing to go to the club. After a little while we get into the car and the driver pulls away, it is a thirty minute drive and I just lay with my head on Stefania's lap.

We arrive at some time and get out, the music from inside is already blasting and we get through the security, we get inside and order some drinks, getting to the vip seats. We look down at the dancing people while talking and having fun, she goes for the fully drunk while I decide to stay a little tipsy, I wonder what Wanda and Nat are doing right now...

Suddenly my eyes widen, Nat... She's dancing with a male, her hands are around his neck as his arms are around her waist and he's kissing her neck. I start to tear up and stand up 'let's go' I grab Stefania's hand and walk her down the stairs through the door, it makes a loud sound and you can hear it over the music, Nat turns to us and her eyes widen

I get direct eye contact with her and quickly walk out of the club, we get into the car and I quickly wipe my tears 'what is wrong, why did you want to leave?' she asks 'I've decided' I say and her eyes widen, her face lights up 'I'll marry you, Stef' I say and pull her into a kiss, she pulls me onto her lap and we continue to kiss as we drive away 

'I'll talk to your father about leaving the Avengers and joining your company' I say 'if that is so, I should tell you that it isn't exact a company as you would think... We're in the mafia' she says and I smirk 'even better' I say and she chuckles 

'my sneaky little Avenger' she says 'soon to be ex-Avenger' I say and she smirks 'I should get my stuff from the tower, can we drive past it?' I ask and she nods 'go to the Avengers compound but don't get seen' Stef says and I pull her into a kiss 

'you're amazing' I whisper and she chuckles, burying her head in my neck before sucking firmly, I know she's making a hickey. We arrive at the compound 'stay here, i'll be right back' I say and get out of the car. I fly to my room and get inside, my window is open. 

I start packing some of my clothes but keep my lights closed 'where were you Nat?' I hear Wanda's voice 'I saw Y/n, she was with that sneaky little bitch of an Stefania at the club' she says and I sigh, I quickly grab my suit and remove the tracker before getting out of the window, back to the car 'I got my suit as well' I say 'go' Stef says and we drive away. We arrive at the mansion and get inside, Alejandro walks out of his office 

'Alejandro, could I talk to you?' I ask 'oh yeah, let's go' he says and we walk into his office 'I thought about the marrying thing, I will marry your daughter and leave the Avengers' I say 'wow...' he says 'but I don't want them to know that I am joining you, that wouldn't be good considering that we're mafia' I explain and he nods 

'I thought about it and the best way is that you could say that I was in a car accident' I explain 'that would be an amazing idea Y/n, they won't search for you then and that will be great, but how did you know we work for the mafia, do the Avengers know about it?' he asks and I nod 

'at first they wanted to sent me here for a mission but I declined, I really like your daughter with my whole entire heart and I wouldn't want to hurt her, you can trust me that I would love your daughter entirely' I say 'good' he says and I smirk 

'go to your soon to be wife, I'll make sure there will be headlines with you being in a car accident and died due your wounds' he says 'that would be amazing' I say and leave 'how did it go?' Stef asks 'amazing' I say and she wraps her arms around my waist.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now