4. Wanda's Perspective

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-Wanda's pov- (her perspective from last chapter)

I was walking towards the lab, I don't know what this girl does to me but I hate it when Natasha is touchy with her, I want her to be mine, I know her for one week but it is just incredible how she fights, how she talks, her slight russian accent, her power, her courage... I love it I thought

I got into the lab and saw Banner 'Banner, we have to set up the mind tester, for Y/n' I said and he nodded 'yeah sure, it is over there' he said and pointed to an large machine 'well let's get started' I said and we walked towards it, I plugged in the wire in the socket and Banner wired the inside, I walked over to the panel and it lighted up, I started by setting up the correct radio waves and making sure it can't harm y/n 'it is done' I said and we sent a girl to get y/n and Nat

Nat and Y/n entered the lab and y/n kept looking to the ground, when she looked up her eyes widened and I saw her scared face, she then started breathing faster and faster, I looked into her mind and saw that she was replaying a memory where she got electrocuted, Nat and I sat down on our knees next to her and Nat was holding her arms above her head, she was crying, shouting and squirming to get freed from that memory

'y/n, breath' Nat kept repeating but it wasn't helping, after a while I saw that Y/n got her sight back 'y/n' Nat said 'NO!' she said and shot us both back with her power, Banner caught Nat and I caught myself.

Y/n had stood up, she was walking backwards 'y/n you are safe!' Nat shouted but Y/n covered her ears, she hit the glass and looked at her, she did something and the glass broke, I opened my arms and made myself ready to stop her from escaping but her eyes widened when she saw me, then she ran to the left (y/n's right) 'let's go!' I said and we ran after her, we came by a split and I went left, Nat went right

I kept running and calling y/n but the hall came to an end 'other side' I muttered and flew towards the other side, I saw Nat standing in the middle of the hall 'what are you doing?' I asked, she leaned towards me 'she is above us, in the vents, I hear her uneven breathing' she whispered and I nodded, I took a step back and Nat said 'we aren't gonna hurt you' she then sighed when y/n didn't respond

Nat started talking Russian 'то, что вы видели, - это читатель мыслей, а не шоковая машина из красной комнаты' (the thing you saw was an mind reader, it wasn't the shock machine in the red room) she said, it was silent for a while but then I heard y/n 'обещать?' (promise?) 'Я обещаю принцесса' (I promise, princess) Nat answered, I didn't understand her

y/n didn't come out 'you want me to get you from there or do you come out by yourself?' Nat sighed 'step aside' Y/n said, I heard y/n sigh and Nat stepped aside, then the vent fell onto the ground and y/n jumped out, she stood with her head bowed, she was embarrassed how fast we found her, Nat walked over to her and lifted her chin

she met Natasha's green eyes, I felt my blood boiling 'это не повредит тебе' (it won't hurt you) she smiled faintly, Nat placed her hands on y/n's shoulders 'и мы не причиним тебе вреда' (and we won't hurt you) she finished 'Ладно' (okay) y/n answered and then glanced to me, my eyes were red and I knew that

'well let's run the tests shall we...' Banner said 'can't... Wanda just read my mind, I have nothing to hide...' she sighed, I looked at Banner 'why?' I then asked her 'in the red room... if we showed emotions we would get locked in a machine that would give us shocks... as a punishment..' she said tearing up but held it back.

I looked at her with sadness and pity, this girl is amazing, I bit my lip to prevent crying, I won't cry in front of Nat and Banner 'she is really free from Dreykov...' I said

'lets go to Fury then' Natasha said, Bruce and I nodded 'who?' y/n asked 'Nick Fury, head of S.H.I.E.L.D' Natasha explained 'oh' Y/n said and Nat grabbed her hand and squeezed it 'again, it is okay' Nat said and pulled y/n with her

We came the meeting room and all the Avengers were already sitting around the table, Fury was standing in front, when Bruce sat down, I walked over to Fury 'she is clear, she isn't an agent anymore' I whispered and got back to Y/n, I was on her left and Nat on her right, it was silent for a while but then Fury spoke up

'so y/n, I got informed that you aren't an undercover spy and because of your fight skills, I want to ask you if you want to become our newest avenger?' he said 'I uhm...' y/n said, I started reading her mind and heard her.

maybe they could defend me against Dreykov, maybe here I will be safe she thought

'I- I would love to' she said and smiled, I also smiled as she looked at all the Avengers for approval, all of them were smiling 'only if everyone agrees that I join the team' she said and they all quickly nodded

'y/n no worries' Peter said 'well, girls sit down we have things to discuss' Fury said and I saw that she froze, Nat and I walked over to our chairs but y/n still stood frozen 'where...' she said but both Natasha and I motioned  to sit next one of us, she glanced to both of us and I knew my eyes glowed red as soon as she looked at Natasha, luckily Y/n walked over to me and sat next to me

Fury started talking about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Y/n wasn't paying attention and looked outside until Fury said the word mission, she swept her head to him and started listening 'there is turmoil in New York so I want Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and Spider-man to discipline the city, that was the meeting, Natasha can you train with y/n for today and bring her to her room?' Fury asked and Natasha nodded, my blood again started boiling, why does this girl has such an effect on me I thought

When the assigned people walked away I stood up, y/n also stood up and grabbed my arm

'Wanda are you okay, your eyes keep glowing red' she said 'oh, yes I am...' I said but got cut off by Natasha 'y/n lets go' 'give me one second' she said and turned her head to me


'what did you say?' I asked 'I am okay, thanks for worrying' I said and she smiled, then left with Natasha to train.

-time skip-

I was in my room, thinking about y/n, how does she has such an effect on me, I mean I can't lie, she is beautiful, strong, smart and powerful. I groaned and decided to get some sleep, tomorrow is a new day and maybe I can get a small talk with y/n.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now