20. Captain Loser

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'yeah, really impressive n/n, as Wanda just said, you should use it more often' it is Steve's voice, I turn to him and Sam, Peter and Clint are standing there 'haha thanks' I say 'well if you ladies won't mind, we also want to train' he explains as he walks towards the ring 'well, let's go then' I say challenging I then hear a faint 'ooh' from Clint 'sure' Steve says as he steps in the ring, Wanda gets out of it 'so, combat or with powers?' I say, tilting my head, I bended the water back in my bottle 'use whatever you want, you can't defeat me' he says 'shouldn't have said that...' I hear Nat say, my mouth forms into a smirk

He started throwing punches which I quickly dodged and blocked, my eyes flashed purple and I shot a strong ball of energy towards him, he launched against the ropes of the ring, I bended the water that was back in my bottle and twirled it around me, then launched it at his ankles, it were just like ropes so I pulled him and he laid with his back on the ground, I smirked as I let the water on his ankles and wrists, then let it freeze, I know that he could easily break through it so I quickly flashed my eyes purple and stood above him, holding my powers next to his head 'are you as sure as about a few minutes ago, cap?' I teased, he broke his wrists out of the ice but I was faster and jumped away as he tried to grab my ankles 'almost' I said, I was enjoying this, teasing his temper, he was panting as I was just starting, I test my windpowers and once again he falls against the ropes

-Wanda's pov-

y/n and Steve start fighting, y/n takes the lead because she is clearly stronger than the super soldier, she has powers and super strength while he only has super strength, she is starting to win, Steve is panting while she is just smirking and dodging punches, I stood up and stood next to Nat, who was studying the fighting of the two 'she is so hot' I whispered and Nat looked at me 'she sure is' Nat answered and I felt her hand around my waist, pulling me to her 'and so are you' she teased, I rolled my eyes, we stared in each others eyes

'damn cap didn't know you would actually lose to y/n' Clint said sarcastically. Nat and I looked at y/n and Steve, Steve was on the ground, panting while y/n was standing a few meters away from her, looking at him while smirking 'oh shut it Barton' Steve said as he tried to stand up, but failed because of the lack of energy he has, y/n laughs and faces us, as she walks to the ropes she keeps eye contact with me or Nat, she leaves the ring and smiles as she stands in front of us 'and?' she asked 'fucking hot' Nat murmurs and gives her a kiss, then kisses me.

-few hours later (living room)-

'didn't know you would beat a super soldier' Tony says as he walks into the living room, I was laying on Nat her chest as Wanda was doing things in her room, Nat is stroking my hair as Steve is on his phone, sitting a bit away from us 'you too?!' Steve grunts as he throws his arms in the air in annoying, no one has stopped since I had defeated Steve, he won every time in fights against the others, well he never fought against Wanda or Thor, they are much stronger than him, well that is what Peter told me

'yeah, wasn't really hard task to do, oh and Steve... don't be such a baby' I tease and he glares at me, I just chuckle, Nat chuckles with me as I relax under her touch 'он такой ребенок' (he is such a baby) she says and I laugh 'hey I can understand that!' Steve says 'that was the whole point, idiot' I say as I face him 'I am going to check on Wanda' I say as I stand up, Nat nods and I walk out of the living room to Wanda's room, I gently knock onto the door and hear her shuffle

'Wands?' I ask as the door is opened in my face, she is panting 'why are you panting?' I ask with a frown 'oh I was...' she says, stopping mid sentence 'you were?' I ask 'I- I was cleaning! yes cleaning, but I ran around' she lies 'you're lying, what are you hiding?' I ask, putting my hands on my hips 'nothing love' she defends but I gently push her out of the doorway and walk in, her room is neat 'Wanda your room is never messy, I am going to ask once again, what are you hiding?' I ask as I sit on the bed, looking at her, trying to be confident

She tilts her head what makes me nervous, then closes the door and walks over to me, her eyes flash red for a second and I immediately back away 'Wands?' I ask, she gets onto the bed and straddles me, she leans down to my ear and her breath fans against it 'I was thinking about you...' she starts 'how hot you would be under me, Nat holding your arms as we fuck your brains out...' she whispers, biting my earlobe, my face turns red, oh god oh god y/n control yourself

I mentally curse myself for not blocking my mind, I hear Wanda chuckle and I know she is smirking, she pulls away and sees my red face 'I see that such little words can affect you so good' she said as her arms run up on my chest, she grabs my neck with one hand and cups my cheek, she is slightly presses on my throat, cutting the air off as she pulls me into a kiss, I moan at the sudden action and I feel her smile against my lips

'y/n, Wanda what is taking you so long' I hear Nat say as she walks in, Wanda smirks as she sits up 'hey love' she says 'hey~' Nat says as she sees how we are situated 'what are you two doing?' she asks as she sits next to us, looking down at me, I look terrified to the two women, Wanda removes her hands from my neck and cheek 'nothing much' I say, Nat raises her hand as she traises Wanda's marks on my neck 'did you like that?' Nat asks

'what?' I ask 'the hand on your throat?' she explains and I glance to the both of them 'I- uhm-' I stutter 'draga, answer the question' Wanda says 'I-' I say, I am unable to craft words 'princezo...' Wanda warns again, Nat just looks into my eyes 'y-yes..' I finally can craft words 'good girl' Nat praises, pulling me into a kiss, I open my eyes to see Wanda looking at me, with a smirk. Gosh

-skip to 3:45PM-
'Y/n! Are you ready?!' Peter shouts from the living room 'coming!' I shout as I put in my earrings, I rush out of my room to the living room 'let's go' he says and we walk to the garage, we get onto one of Tony's motorcycles, we grab our helmets and I drive us to the shop

(Y/n's outfit) Peter grabs my hand and directs us to a table in the corner, a boy and a girl sitting at it 'MJ, Ned this is Y/n' Peter says as the boy and girl stand up, I give Ned a fist and MJ a hug 'so nice to meet you guys!' I say and sit down...

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(Y/n's outfit)
Peter grabs my hand and directs us to a table in the corner, a boy and a girl sitting at it 'MJ, Ned this is Y/n' Peter says as the boy and girl stand up, I give Ned a fist and MJ a hug 'so nice to meet you guys!' I say and sit down 'no way, it is so cool to meet you, Peter has told us lots about you' Ned says and I chuckle

'well he also talked a lot about you guys' I tease, looking at Peter, he obviously likes MJ, he slaps my leg under the table, a women comes up to our table 'hey I am Sarah and i'll be your server for today, what would you like?' She asks 'a cappuccino please' MJ says, she writes it down 'caramel latte, please' Ned says 'iced cappuccino' Peter says and she looks at me 'iced latte with amaretto' I say and give her a smile, I turn to Ned and MJ and they look at me 'what?' I ask 'well you ordered alcohol like it was nothing' Ned says

'What if I say that I am Russian, makes a difference?' I ask and they immediately nod 'I didn't knew you were russian, I don't hear an accent' MJ says 'oh I just hide it, это я когда говорю по русски' (this is me when I talk Russian) I say and their mouths hang open 'Nat and she are doing this all the time, Steve is the only one who can understand them' Peter says

'oh I can also talk fluently Dutch, French, Sokovian, English, Spanish and of course Russian' I say, the girl comes back with our drinks and we start chatting more and more, it is really fun with them.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now